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Releases: ioos/compliance-checker

Compliance Checker 4.3.2

09 Jan 21:22
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  • Adds a new --option/-O command line flag which can be used to alter desired checker behavior. This option can be specified multiple times for several options, although as of this release, there is only one supported option (see notes in CF section below).

Changes to CF checkers (all versions):

  • Corrects "coordinate data variable" finding routines to correspond with CF Section 1.3 "Overview". Coordinate data variables now find both NUG "coordinate variables", which are variables with one dimension where the dimension has the same name as the variable, and variables referred to by the contents of the coordinates attribute in other variables.
  • Improves readability of error message for attributes which are improperly placed according to CF Appendix A's "Use" column.
  • Disables checking of Appendix A by default and only checks Appendix A if cf:enable_appendix_a_checks is specified in aforementioned -O/--option flags via the CLI.

Compliance Checker 4.3.0

02 Dec 20:43
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Compliance Checker 4.3.0: CF 1.7 Release

The latest major release for the IOOS Compliance Checker contains updated checks
to reflect CF-1.7, the most current stable CF Conventions document at the time of this release. The software includes
numerous changes, most notably:

  1. Dropped support for Python 2.7
  2. Updated list of Grid Mapping attributes in Table F1
    and checks for Well-Known Text (WKT) strings using the PROJ database
  3. Added new projections
  4. Check against computed_standard_name attribute
  5. Check against Appendix A attributes

For a comprehensive list of the issues addressed and changes made, see the milestone.

Compliance Checker 4.2.2

27 Feb 15:52
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Patch release containing:

  • links to new IOOS Metadata Profile repo
  • an update to
  • a bug fix on the html reports

Compliance Checker 4.2.1

18 Feb 21:55
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Addresses comments on #628 (making the climatology checks more accurate) and re-formats the HTML output to go along with the new grouping routine adopted in the prior release.

Compliance Checker 4.2.0

06 Feb 21:43
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Reformatted ACDD output to include more informative, less repetitive error messages. Functional changes from pull request #624 include enhanced grouping for "grouped checks" (e.g. Global Attributes), which condenses the results into fewer lines and more appropriate sections (other checks will also be able to leverage this new formatting improvement, not just the ACDD checks).

  • addresses issue #620
  • leverages existing sorting/grouping functionality
  • reduces repeated code
  • improves inline documentation

Compliance Checker 4.1.1

30 Aug 20:21
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This release patches some issues in 4.1.0

  • Unify requirements file and remove cython
  • Show help when no operations requested on the command line
  • Use argparser choices for format validation

Compliance Checker 4.1.0

29 Aug 20:12
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Compliance Checker 4.1.0

Compliance Checker 4.1.0 includes performance enhancements for files with large amounts of variables, adds metadata reference URLs in the output reports, support for new type of plugin, the ability to specify a standard name table file from an environment variable and Bug Fixes

Pull Request #600 enhances compliance checker speed with the use of an lru-cache from functools. It also allows backwards-compatibility with the lru-cache for python2.7 via the functools32 backport module.

PR #599 updates the Climate and Forecasting integration tests.

PR #598 puts reference links to metadata schemas into the compliance-checker output.

Compliance Checker 4.0.1

18 May 20:15
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Bugfix Release

This release fixes a dependency issue with netCDF #579.

Also adds versioneer for managing versions

Compliance Checker 4.0.0

13 Apr 19:41
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Compliance Checker 4.0.0 release includes an overhaul of the output results and some bug fixes. For details of the scoring design discussions, please refer to this issue: #37.

Compliance Checker Output Updates:

  • Removal of the scoring section for each output format. Left with only the corrective actions based on the criteria level passed in
  • High, Medium, Low Priority headers have been replaced with the terminology for each check (i.e. Highly Recommended, Recommended, and Suggested for ACDD)
  • Added ability to concatenate results from many input files into a single output file
  • Added ability to export multiple formats (html, text, json) in one run
  • Removed concept of score grouping which had unexpected scoring consequences

Development driven by the Version 4.0.0 Milestone

Bug Fixes:

  • Accessing OpenDAP on ESGF thredds services #539
  • CF dimension order check incorrect for some dimensions #535
  • Case sensitivity for featureType #461
  • CF duplicate axis check fails incorrectly #562
  • CF Checker records omission of “reference” global attribute as an error #510

Compliance Checker 3.1.1

16 Oct 14:18
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Compliance Checker 3.1.1 release includes:

  • Many bug fixes related to the CF checker
  • A new checker for the IOOS NetCDF v1.1 standard
  • Updated user-friendly README with more examples

Development driven by the Version 3.1 Milestone