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Releases: ipeaGIT/accessibility

accessibility v1.4.0

07 Mar 14:37
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which land use data passed to accessibility functions as a
    tibble could lead to an error.

New features

  • New function decay_logistic().


  • Package description has been adjusted to better reflect the current set of
    available features.

accessibility v1.3.0

20 Oct 21:43
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New features

  • New parameter detailed_results to spatial_availability(), used to specify
    whether results should be aggregated by origin-destination pair or by origin.
    When aggregation by origin-destination pair, the output also includes the
    demand, impedance and combined balancing factors used to calculate spatial

accessibility v1.2.0

21 Sep 12:45
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New features

  • New inequality functions concentration_index() and theil_t().


  • Various documentation tweaks.
  • Testing performance has greatly improved.

accessibility v1.1.0

22 Jun 19:07
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New features

  • The package now includes functions to estimate accessibility inequalities
    (palma_ratio() and gini_index()) and poverty (fgt_poverty()).
  • New accessibility functions spatial_availability() and balancing_cost().
  • New vignette "Calculating accessibility inequality and poverty".
  • cost_to_closest() parameter n now accepts a numeric vector, instead of
    being restricted to a single number.
  • cumulative_cutoff() parameters cutoff and travel_cost now accepts a
    numeric and a character vector, respectively, instead of being restricted to
    a single number/string.
  • cumulative_interval() parameter interval now accepts a list of numeric
    vectors, instead of being restricted to a single vector.
  • The decay functions can now take numeric vectors as input, instead of being
    restricted to a single number (in the case of decay_stepped(), both steps
    and weights can take a list of numeric vectors as input, instead of
    being restricted to a single numeric vector each).


  • Various documentation tweaks.
  • Added the new accessibility functions to the intro vignette.

accessibility v1.0.1

06 Oct 19:08
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Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug in which cost_to_closest() would return NA values when
    filling missing ids (which should be filled with Inf, since they cannot
    reach any opportunities). This was also responsible for the warning reported
    in #27, which was also fixed.

accessibility v1.0.0

22 Jul 22:54
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The package has been to tremendous changes. Basically, there's not a single
part of it that remained untouched: documentation, vignettes, function names,
parameter names, extra functionality, performance improvements, etc. While it
is impossible to highlight everything that has been done, we'll try to summary
some of the key points in the following topics.

Breaking changes

  • Accessibility functions previously worked with a single input dataset:
    data. Now they require two input datasets: travel_matrix and
  • Function names were changed:
    • time_to_closest() -> cost_to_closest()
    • cumulative_time_cutoff() -> cumulative_cutoff()
    • cumulative_time_interval() -> cumulative_interval()
    • gravity_access() -> gravity()
  • Parameter names were changed:
    • opportunity_col -> opportunity
    • travel_cost_col -> travel_cost
    • by_col -> active
    • In cost_to_closest(): n_opportunities -> n
    • In cumulative_interval(): stat -> summary_function
    • In floating_catchment_area(): population_col -> demand
    • In floating_catchment_area(): fca_metric -> method
  • Parameter required values were changed:
    • active now takes a logical, instead of a string (which by_col
      previously took).
    • In cumulative_interval(): summary_function now takes a function,
      instead of a string (which stat previously took).

New features

  • New function decay_stepped().
  • New parameter interval_increment to cumulative_interval(), used to
    specify how many travel cost units separate the cutoffs used to calculate the
    accessibility estimates which will be used to calculate the summary estimate
    within the specified interval.
  • All accessibility functions gained a group_by parameter, that allows
    accessibility estimates to be grouped by one or more columns present in
  • All accessibility functions (but cumulative_interval()) gained a
    fill_missing_ids parameter, that includes in the results origins whose
    accessibility would be 0 but, due to some commonly overlooked implementation
    details, are usually left out from the output. cumulative_interval() doesn't
    have this parameter because its result will always include all origins,
    otherwise the summary measure wouldn't be calculated properly.


30 Jun 13:12
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  • First CRAN release.