Added Flaming Barrage Spell
Added Ball Lightning Spell
Added Sacrifice Spell
Added Rod o' Lightning, a staff enhancing lightning magic
Added Energized Core, a crafting ingredient to the Rod o' Lightning
Added Lesser Spell Slot Improvement, and item that can increase a Spell Book's capacity up to 12 slots
Added Mana Text offsets in client config
Added server config option to disable spellcasting in adventure mode
Buffed Scorch Spell
Increased radius
Now leaves a fiery field where it scorches
Made Thunderstorm targeting more strict to lessen collateral damage
Restricted the damage types (mainly damage over time) that can trigger an Echoing Strike
Updated Heat Surge and Frostwave spell particles
Updated various language files thanks to community members
Slight adjustment to Priest AI
Fixed Portals not playing the destination sound to the player teleporting
Fixed Capes and Angel Wings rendering over each other
Fixed Neutral Trading Wizards ceasing to trade after taking damage from a non-player source
Fixed certain magic summons being attack unprovoked by mobs like Iron Golems
Added constructor overload to SimpleAttributeSpellBook item to take an item rarity
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