Added Weapon Parts, crafted from Arcane Salvage and used for crafting magic weapons
Added Spellbreaker, a craftable imbued sword
Added Amethyst Rapier, a craftable imbued sword
Arcane Anvil now returns Upgrade Orbs when using a Shriving Stone
Reworked Alchemist Cauldron
Water Level and Liquid Contents are no longer separate values. This should make interactions much more intuitive
Loot-Only curios can now be recycled
Can be Smelted into Arcane Salvage, and crafted from Arcane Salvage and a designated item
Affinity Rings can now be attuned to specific spells by combining a ring with a scroll of any level in the Arcane Anvil
Fixed Firefly Jar not having a loot table
Fixed True Invisibility not affecting the aggro of mobs that use Brain for targeting
Fixed Inscription Table ghost block/dupe when exploded
Fixed Abyssal Shroud destination logic
Fixed Inscription Table bug/exploit relating to death
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