Racines is a small tool to produce a page of links, a kind of rhizome. It is useful when you can share only one link but you want to share a lot of links... It can also be a very minimalist one page website.
Racines uses Pandoc to produce only one page of links where everything (CSS, JavaScript, and the images as data URI schemes) is self-contained (thanks to the Pandoc option --self-contained
- SSH & Rsync
- NPM and Gulp (to test the page; everything necessary with
npm i
) - Git (if you want to use something like Gitlab Pages)
make html
to make the HTML pagemake ssh
to send the existing page to a remote place with SSH and Rsyncmake deploy
to deploy the page (make html %% make ssh)
: file extension (in the directorytext
: username for SSH (only formake ssh
: the files for the final webpageNAME
: the name of the final webpage (by default: the name of the current directory)HOST
: the remote host for SSH (only formake ssh
: the remote directory for SSH (only formake ssh
Every variable can be commented with #
at the beginning of the line. You can put some HTML in these variables.
In the file text/informations.md
(a YAML metadata block between ---
in a Pandoc-flavored Markdown file) :
title: "The title"
author: "Author"
date: "2019"
description: "a description here <a href='#' target='_blank'>a link</a> #hashtag or @tagyou"
lang: "fr"
logo-top: "<img src='template/img/logo-top.jpg'>"
logo-bottom: "Ü"
color-background: "#fff (color of the background)"
color-static: "#000 (color of the text)"
color-dynamic: "#f00 (color of the links and the borders)"
border-width: "4px (width of the borders)"
- text: "The text of the link, with possible<br><em>HTML tag</em>"
url: "https://abrupt.ch/"
- text: "Etc."
url: "https://irl.st"
In the file text/social.md
- network: '(the name of the network)'
path: '<path d="..."/> (the path tag only for the SVG logo)'
url: '(the URL of the network)'
- network: 'Gitlab'
path: '<path d="M23.955 13.587l-1.342-4.135-2.664-8.189c-.135-.423-.73-.423-.867 0L16.418 9.45H7.582L4.919 1.263C4.783.84 4.185.84 4.05 1.26L1.386 9.449.044 13.587c-.121.375.014.789.331 1.023L12 23.054l11.625-8.443c.318-.235.453-.647.33-1.024"/>'
url: 'https://gitlab.com/cestabrupt'
- network: 'Mastodon Etc.'
path: '<path d="M23.193 7.879c0-5.206-3.411-6.732-3.411-6.732C18.062.357 15.108.025 12.041 0h-.076c-3.068.025-6.02.357-7.74 1.147 0 0-3.411 1.526-3.411 6.732 0 1.192-.023 2.618.015 4.129.124 5.092.934 10.109 5.641 11.355 2.17.574 4.034.695 5.535.612 2.722-.15 4.25-.972 4.25-.972l-.09-1.975s-1.945.613-4.129.539c-2.165-.074-4.449-.233-4.799-2.891a5.499 5.499 0 0 1-.048-.745s2.125.52 4.817.643c1.646.075 3.19-.097 4.758-.283 3.007-.359 5.625-2.212 5.954-3.905.517-2.665.475-6.507.475-6.507zm-4.024 6.709h-2.497V8.469c0-1.29-.543-1.944-1.628-1.944-1.2 0-1.802.776-1.802 2.312v3.349h-2.483v-3.35c0-1.536-.602-2.312-1.802-2.312-1.085 0-1.628.655-1.628 1.944v6.119H4.832V8.284c0-1.289.328-2.313.987-3.07.68-.758 1.569-1.146 2.674-1.146 1.278 0 2.246.491 2.886 1.474L12 6.585l.622-1.043c.64-.983 1.608-1.474 2.886-1.474 1.104 0 1.994.388 2.674 1.146.658.757.986 1.781.986 3.07v6.304z"/>'
url: 'https://mamot.fr/\@cestabrupt'
If you want to modify the template and if you use Gulp, you can work with the files in the folder src
; everything will be compressed (images and code).
If you're not working with Gulp, you can work directly with the files in template
. The CSS (the same for JS) is compressed in template
, so you should copy and paste the files of template/src/css/import/
in racines.css
and modify the code as you wish.
You can host this Racines page on Gitlab Pages or GitHub Pages with the power of GitLab CI (see .gitlab-ci.yml) or GitHub Actions (see main.yml) ; it will run Pandoc automatically. You can consenquently edit your Racines page directly on GitLab or GitHub by modifying the files in the text
- with GitLab Pages
- or with GitHub Pages
- the Racines of our friends Abrüpt
The SVG icons come from Simple Icons (CC-0).
MIT License - see LICENSE.md.