Took the time to set this up one time so that i could bootstrap a new dockerized set of services (backend and frontend) easier. It is preconfigured to be deployed to a GCP / Google App Engine. There are some files that are not included in this repo that need to be set up before it can be used:
- app.yaml for deploying to GCP
- /secrets/gcp-credential.json (and the file name should be updated in the .env)
- app.yaml for deploying to GCP
- This is already there using default ports 3001 (frontend) and 5001 (backend) for local de. Edit the docker-compose file to change the local ports (incase running multiple instances)
* if doing development locally, will need to do a "npm install" from the frontend directory since the local dir will be mapped to the docker container
Once the proper files are included, in a terminal window from the root of the project (where the docker-compose.yml) is, simply do a:
>> docker compose build (if it is the first time and any subsequent time where new packages are added or Dockerfile changed)
>> docker compose up
once satisfied, to deploy to Google Cloud App Engine:
First, in the GCP UI , make sure to create default placeholders for, Firestore DB (set to Native ) and create a default App Engine Application. Set them to minimally default, the following deploy will fill them with things.
First confirm that you are signed in to the right project by using
>> gcloud config list
>> gcloud projects list
>> gcloud config set project [PROJECT_ID] if necessary
once confirmed, to deploy simply type
>> ./
and wait