A simple calculator app built with ReactJS and MathJS library.
Known Issues:
- None, yet ;p
v0.1.1 - Optimizations and bug fixes
- Optimize key input logic
- Optimize input value and type detection
- Optimize display value handling
- Fix an issue where it's possible to input leading zeros on operand
- Example: 01, 002+05, etc.
- Fix an issue where it's possible to input operator side-by-side to another operator after using backspace
- Example: 2+-, 3+1/+, etc.
v0.1.0 - Working calculator with limited functionality
- Adds basic arithmetic operation (addition, substraction, multiplication, and division)
- Capable to do a single equation only
- Fractional number input is not supported yet
- Decimal result only displayed up to 8 digits