Game Note:
- Game is autosaved
- When Player is dead:
- return to Main Scene
- Player HP is reset
- Gold amount is decreased by 10 (decreased to 0 if less than 10)
Basic Game Development
- Scene and Node Management
- How to create Scene (Play/Quit and Main parallax scene)
- Node and Node Tree
- Global file (script or variable)
- Player
- HUD stats management (HP, Gold, etc.)
- Mobs (Enemies)
- State management (when Player's nearby, death, idle, etc.)
- Collectibles
- Randomized spawn timing and location
- Tileset
- Sprite Animation
- When Idle, Jump, Death, or Move/Run
- World Collision
- Character Movement
: Move leftRightArrow
: Move rightSpacebar
: Jump
- Simple save and load game state