Consider a cloud server that owns a key-value store and provides a private query service to its clients. The key-value store in this case is public and a client cannot encrypt or modify it to ensure privacy. Pantheon is a system that allows its clients to retrieve the value corresponding to a key from such a key-value store privately, i.e. without letting anyone else in the world (even the server) to know which key the client is interested in.
The codebase is tested on Ubuntu 18.04 and 20.04. To install all the dependencies, first clone this repositry:
git clone
Then run the following commands:
cd Pantheon
The code for deploying Pantheon server on a single machine is in Pantheon/src/single_machine/
To build the code, run the following:
cd Pantheon/src/single_machine/
cmake .
To run Pantheon's single-server implementation, run the following commands:
cd Pantheon/src/single_machine/bin/
./Pantheon -n <number of items> -k <key_size> -s <value_size>
The options are explained below:
-n The number of key-value tuples in the key-value store.
-k The size of each key in bits.
-s The size of each value in Bytes.
For example, to perform a private query over a key-value store containing 32768
tuples where each key is 64-bits
and each value is 256 Bytes
, run the follwoing command:
./Pantheon -n 32768 -k 64 -s 256