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Merge pull request kiali#4006 from israel-hdez/v1.34-mc-fix
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Reduce number of API calls to discover remote Kialis (kiali#3970)
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israel-hdez authored May 13, 2021
2 parents 910c2f5 + 74f6ef6 commit 31fc359
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Showing 7 changed files with 124 additions and 64 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion business/layer.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ func NewWithBackends(k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface, prom prometheus.ClientInter
temporaryLayer.Iter8 = Iter8Service{k8s: k8s, businessLayer: temporaryLayer}
temporaryLayer.Jaeger = JaegerService{loader: jaegerClient, businessLayer: temporaryLayer}
temporaryLayer.k8s = k8s
temporaryLayer.Mesh = NewMeshService(k8s, nil)
temporaryLayer.Mesh = NewMeshService(k8s, temporaryLayer, nil)
temporaryLayer.Namespace = NewNamespaceService(k8s)
temporaryLayer.OpenshiftOAuth = OpenshiftOAuthService{k8s: k8s}
temporaryLayer.ProxyStatus = ProxyStatus{k8s: k8s, businessLayer: temporaryLayer}
Expand Down
114 changes: 68 additions & 46 deletions business/mesh.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,7 +8,10 @@ import (

v1 ""
core_v1 ""

Expand All @@ -21,7 +24,8 @@ import (
// when Istio is installed with multi-cluster enabled. Prefer initializing this
// type via the NewMeshService function.
type MeshService struct {
k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface
k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface
layer *Layer

// newRemoteClient is a helper variable holding a function that should return an
// initialized kubernetes client using the specified config argument. This was created,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,7 +87,7 @@ type meshIdConfig struct {
// NewMeshService initializes a new MeshService structure with the given k8s client and
// newRemoteClientFunc arguments (see the MeshService struct for details). The newRemoteClientFunc
// can be passed a nil value and a default function will be used.
func NewMeshService(k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface, newRemoteClientFunc func(config *rest.Config) (kubernetes.ClientInterface, error)) MeshService {
func NewMeshService(k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface, layer *Layer, newRemoteClientFunc func(config *rest.Config) (kubernetes.ClientInterface, error)) MeshService {
if newRemoteClientFunc == nil {
newRemoteClientFunc = func(config *rest.Config) (kubernetes.ClientInterface, error) {
return kubernetes.NewClientFromConfig(config)
Expand All @@ -92,6 +96,7 @@ func NewMeshService(k8s kubernetes.ClientInterface, newRemoteClientFunc func(con

return MeshService{
k8s: k8s,
layer: layer,
newRemoteClient: newRemoteClientFunc,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -183,7 +188,13 @@ func (in *MeshService) ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster(r *http.Request) (*Cluste

// The "cluster_id" is set in an environment variable of
// the "istiod" deployment. Let's try to fetch it.
istioDeployment, err := in.k8s.GetDeployment(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstiodDeploymentName)
var istioDeployment *v1.Deployment
var err error
if IsNamespaceCached(conf.IstioNamespace) {
istioDeployment, err = kialiCache.GetDeployment(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstiodDeploymentName)
} else {
istioDeployment, err = in.k8s.GetDeployment(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstiodDeploymentName)
if err != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(err) {
return nil, err
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -226,7 +237,7 @@ func (in *MeshService) ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster(r *http.Request) (*Cluste

// Discover ourselves
kialiInstances := findKialiInNamespace(os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE"), myClusterName, in.k8s)
kialiInstances := findKialiInNamespace(os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE"), myClusterName, in.layer)
if len(kialiInstances) > 0 && r != nil {
for i := range kialiInstances {
// If URL is already populated (because of an annotation), trust that because it's user configuration.
Expand All @@ -249,33 +260,52 @@ func (in *MeshService) ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster(r *http.Request) (*Cluste
return kialiControlPlaneCluster, nil

// convertKialiServiceToInstance converts a svc Service data structure of the
// Kubernetes client to a KialiInstance data structure.
func convertKialiServiceToInstance(svc *core_v1.Service) KialiInstance {
return KialiInstance{
ServiceName: svc.Name,
Namespace: svc.Namespace,
OperatorResource: svc.Annotations["operator-sdk/primary-resource"],
Version: svc.Labels[""],
Url: svc.Annotations[""],

// findKialiInNamespace tries to find a Kiali installation certain namespace of a cluster.
// The clientSet argument should be an already initialized REST client to the API server of the
// cluster. The namespace argument specifies the namespace where a Kiali instance will be looked for.
// The clusterName argument is for logging purposes only.
func findKialiInNamespace(namespace string, clusterName string, clientSet kubernetes.ClientInterface) (instances []KialiInstance) {
kialiNs, getNsErr := clientSet.GetNamespace(namespace)
func findKialiInNamespace(namespace string, clusterName string, layer *Layer) (instances []KialiInstance) {
kialiNs, getNsErr := layer.Namespace.GetNamespace(namespace)
if getNsErr != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(getNsErr) {
log.Warningf("Discovery for Kiali instances in cluster [%s] failed: %s", clusterName, getNsErr.Error())
if kialiNs != nil {
// The operator and the helm charts set this fixed label. It's also
// present in the Istio addon manifest of Kiali.
services, getSvcErr := clientSet.GetServicesByLabels(kialiNs.Name, "")
var services []core_v1.Service
var getSvcErr error
if IsNamespaceCached(kialiNs.Name) {
var tmpSvc []core_v1.Service
tmpSvc, getSvcErr = kialiCache.GetServices(kialiNs.Name, nil)
if getSvcErr == nil {
selector := (labels.Set{"": "kiali"}).AsSelector()
services = kubernetes.FilterServicesByLabels(selector, tmpSvc)
} else {
services, getSvcErr = layer.k8s.GetServicesByLabels(kialiNs.Name, "")
if getSvcErr != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(getSvcErr) {
log.Warningf("Discovery for Kiali instances in cluster [%s] failed when finding the service in [%s] namespace: %s", clusterName, namespace, getSvcErr.Error())

if len(services) > 0 {
instances = make([]KialiInstance, len(services))
for i, d := range services {
instances[i].ServiceName = d.Name
instances[i].Namespace = d.Namespace
instances[i].OperatorResource = d.Annotations["operator-sdk/primary-resource"]
instances[i].Version = d.Labels[""]
instances[i].Url = d.Annotations[""]
instances = make([]KialiInstance, 0, len(services))
for _, d := range services {
instances = append(instances, convertKialiServiceToInstance(&d))
Expand All @@ -288,8 +318,6 @@ func findKialiInNamespace(namespace string, clusterName string, clientSet kubern
// This kubeconfig file is assumed to be generated by using the `istioctl x create-remote-secret` command.
// The clusterName argument is only for logging purposes.
func (in *MeshService) findRemoteKiali(clusterName string, kubeconfig *kubernetes.RemoteSecret) (kialiInstances []KialiInstance) {
conf := config.Get()

restConfig, restConfigErr := kubernetes.UseRemoteCreds(kubeconfig)
if restConfigErr != nil {
log.Errorf("Error using remote creds: %v", restConfigErr)
Expand All @@ -298,40 +326,28 @@ func (in *MeshService) findRemoteKiali(clusterName string, kubeconfig *kubernete

restConfig.Timeout = 15 * time.Second
restConfig.BearerToken = kubeconfig.Users[0].User.Token
clientSet, clientSetErr := in.newRemoteClient(restConfig)
remoteClientSet, clientSetErr := in.newRemoteClient(restConfig)
if clientSetErr != nil {
log.Errorf("Error creating client set: %v", clientSetErr)
return nil

// First try: find a remote Kiali in a namespace with the same name
// as the one where "this" Kiali is installed. This is under the assumption that
// admins will prefer similar configurations across clusters.
if len(os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE")) > 0 {
kialiInstances = findKialiInNamespace(os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE"), clusterName, clientSet)

// Second try: find a remote Kiali in a namespace with the same name
// as the local istio-namespace. This is under the assumption that
// Kiali may be installed as an add-on.
if kialiInstances == nil && conf.IstioNamespace != os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE") {
kialiInstances = findKialiInNamespace(conf.IstioNamespace, clusterName, clientSet)
// - The operator and the helm charts set this well
// known "" label. It's also present in the
// Istio addon manifest of Kiali.
// - We are using the "istio-reader-service-account" to connect to the
// remote cluster. A typical Istio installation gives privileges to
// this SA to list services in a cluster-wide way.
services, getSvcErr := remoteClientSet.GetClusterServicesByLabels("")
if getSvcErr != nil && !errors.IsNotFound(getSvcErr) {
log.Warningf("Discovery for Kiali instances in cluster [%s] failed when finding the Kiali service: %s", clusterName, getSvcErr.Error())

// Third try: Get the full list of namespaces in the remote cluster and try to find a Kiali
// instance in them. First namespace with an instance stops the lookup.
if kialiInstances == nil {
nsList, getNsErr := clientSet.GetNamespaces("")
if getNsErr != nil {
log.Warningf("Discovery for Kiali instances in cluster [%s] failed when fetching namespaces list: %s", clusterName, getNsErr.Error())
for _, ns := range nsList {
if ns.Name != os.Getenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE") && ns.Name != conf.IstioNamespace {
kialiInstances = findKialiInNamespace(ns.Name, clusterName, clientSet)
if kialiInstances != nil {
if len(services) > 0 {
kialiInstances = make([]KialiInstance, 0, len(services))
for _, d := range services {
kialiInstances = append(kialiInstances, convertKialiServiceToInstance(&d))

Expand All @@ -344,7 +360,13 @@ func (in *MeshService) findRemoteKiali(clusterName string, kubeconfig *kubernete
func (in *MeshService) resolveKialiNetwork() (string, error) {
conf := config.Get()

istioSidecarConfig, err := in.k8s.GetConfigMap(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstioSidecarInjectorConfigMapName)
var istioSidecarConfig *core_v1.ConfigMap
var err error
if IsNamespaceCached(conf.IstioNamespace) {
istioSidecarConfig, err = kialiCache.GetConfigMap(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstioSidecarInjectorConfigMapName)
} else {
istioSidecarConfig, err = in.k8s.GetConfigMap(conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstioSidecarInjectorConfigMapName)
if err != nil {
// Don't return an error, as this may mean that Kiali is not installed along the control plane.
// This setup is OK, it's just that it's not within our multi-cluster assumptions.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -482,14 +504,14 @@ func (in *MeshService) resolveNetwork(clusterName string, kubeconfig *kubernetes

restConfig.Timeout = 15 * time.Second
restConfig.BearerToken = kubeconfig.Users[0].User.Token
clientSet, clientSetErr := in.newRemoteClient(restConfig)
remoteClientSet, clientSetErr := in.newRemoteClient(restConfig)
if clientSetErr != nil {
log.Errorf("Error creating client set: %v", clientSetErr)
return ""

// Let's assume that the istio namespace has the same name on all clusters in the mesh.
istioNamespace, getNsErr := clientSet.GetNamespace(conf.IstioNamespace)
istioNamespace, getNsErr := remoteClientSet.GetNamespace(conf.IstioNamespace)
if getNsErr != nil {
log.Warningf("Cannot describe the '%s' namespace on cluster '%s': %v", conf.IstioNamespace, clusterName, getNsErr)
return ""
Expand Down
41 changes: 25 additions & 16 deletions business/mesh_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ func TestGetClustersResolvesTheKialiCluster(t *testing.T) {
k8s := new(kubetest.K8SClientMock)
conf := config.NewConfig()
conf.InCluster = false
conf.KubernetesConfig.CacheEnabled = false

// As we are not interested in caches in this test, make sure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -83,13 +84,14 @@ func TestGetClustersResolvesTheKialiCluster(t *testing.T) {
k8s.On("GetConfigMap", conf.IstioNamespace, conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstioSidecarInjectorConfigMapName).Return(&sidecarConfigMapMock, nil)

k8s.On("GetNamespace", "foo").Return(&kialiNs, nil)
k8s.On("GetServicesByLabels", "foo", "").Return(kialiSvc, nil)
k8s.On("GetServicesByLabels", "foo", "").Return(kialiSvc, nil)

os.Setenv("KUBERNETES_SERVICE_PORT", "9443")
os.Setenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE", "foo")

meshSvc := NewMeshService(k8s, nil)
layer := NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc := layer.Mesh

r := httptest.NewRequest("GET", "http://kiali.url.local/", nil)
a, err := meshSvc.GetClusters(r)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -117,6 +119,7 @@ func TestGetClustersResolvesRemoteClusters(t *testing.T) {
k8s := new(kubetest.K8SClientMock)
conf := config.NewConfig()
conf.InCluster = false
conf.KubernetesConfig.CacheEnabled = false

// As we are not interested in caches in this test, make sure
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -189,23 +192,17 @@ func TestGetClustersResolvesRemoteClusters(t *testing.T) {

getNsErr := errors.StatusError{
ErrStatus: v1.Status{
Reason: v1.StatusReasonNotFound,
var nilNs *core_v1.Namespace

os.Setenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE", "foo")

remoteClient.On("GetNamespace", conf.IstioNamespace).Return(remoteNs, nil)
remoteClient.On("GetNamespace", "foo").Return(nilNs, &getNsErr)
remoteClient.On("GetServicesByLabels", conf.IstioNamespace, "").Return(kialiSvc, nil)
remoteClient.On("GetClusterServicesByLabels", "").Return(kialiSvc, nil)

return remoteClient, nil

meshSvc := NewMeshService(k8s, newRemoteClient)
layer := NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc := layer.Mesh
meshSvc.newRemoteClient = newRemoteClient

a, err := meshSvc.GetClusters(nil)
check.Nil(err, "GetClusters returned error: %v", err)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -243,6 +240,7 @@ func TestIsMeshConfiguredIsCached(t *testing.T) {
conf.InCluster = false
conf.IstioNamespace = "foo"
conf.ExternalServices.Istio.ConfigMapName = "bar"
conf.KubernetesConfig.CacheEnabled = false

istioConfigMapMock := core_v1.ConfigMap{
Expand All @@ -251,18 +249,23 @@ func TestIsMeshConfiguredIsCached(t *testing.T) {

k8s.On("GetConfigMap", "foo", "bar").Return(&istioConfigMapMock, nil)

// Create a MeshService and invoke IsMeshConfigured
meshSvc := NewMeshService(k8s, nil)
layer := NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc := layer.Mesh
result, err := meshSvc.IsMeshConfigured()
check.Nil(err, "IsMeshConfigured failed: %s", err)

// Create a new MeshService with an empty mock. If cached value is properly used, the
// empty mock should never be called and we still should get a value.
k8s = new(kubetest.K8SClientMock)
meshSvc = NewMeshService(k8s, nil)

layer = NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc = layer.Mesh
result, err = meshSvc.IsMeshConfigured()
check.Nil(err, "IsMeshConfigured failed: %s", err)
Expand All @@ -285,6 +288,7 @@ func TestResolveKialiControlPlaneClusterIsCached(t *testing.T) {
conf.InCluster = false
conf.IstioNamespace = "foo"
conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstiodDeploymentName = "bar"
conf.KubernetesConfig.CacheEnabled = false

os.Setenv("ACTIVE_NAMESPACE", "foo")
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -317,12 +321,14 @@ func TestResolveKialiControlPlaneClusterIsCached(t *testing.T) {
var nilConfigMap *core_v1.ConfigMap
var nilNamespace *core_v1.Namespace

k8s.On("GetDeployment", "foo", "bar").Return(&istioDeploymentMock, nil)
k8s.On("GetConfigMap", "foo", conf.ExternalServices.Istio.IstioSidecarInjectorConfigMapName).Return(nilConfigMap, &notFoundErr)
k8s.On("GetNamespace", "foo").Return(nilNamespace, &notFoundErr)

// Create a MeshService and invoke IsMeshConfigured
meshSvc := NewMeshService(k8s, nil)
layer := NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc := layer.Mesh
result, err := meshSvc.ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster(nil)
check.Nil(err, "ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster failed: %s", err)
Expand All @@ -331,7 +337,10 @@ func TestResolveKialiControlPlaneClusterIsCached(t *testing.T) {
// Create a new MeshService with an empty mock. If cached value is properly used, the
// empty mock should never be called and we still should get a value.
k8s = new(kubetest.K8SClientMock)
meshSvc = NewMeshService(k8s, nil)

layer = NewWithBackends(k8s, nil, nil)
meshSvc = layer.Mesh
result, err = meshSvc.ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster(nil)
check.Nil(err, "ResolveKialiControlPlaneCluster failed: %s", err)
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion jaeger/http_client.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -9,11 +9,11 @@ import (


func getAppTracesHTTP(client http.Client, baseURL *url.URL, namespace, app string, q models.TracingQuery) (response *JaegerResponse, err error) {
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions kubernetes/filters.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -75,6 +75,16 @@ func FilterServicesForSelector(selector labels.Selector, allServices []core_v1.S
return services

func FilterServicesByLabels(selector labels.Selector, allServices []core_v1.Service) []core_v1.Service {
var services []core_v1.Service
for _, svc := range allServices {
if selector.Matches(labels.Set(svc.ObjectMeta.Labels)) {
services = append(services, svc)
return services

func FilterVirtualServices(allVs []IstioObject, namespace string, serviceName string) []IstioObject {
typeMeta := meta_v1.TypeMeta{
Kind: PluralType[VirtualServices],
Expand Down

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