an Apache Sling based Application Platform
A lightweight framework for setting up a custom set of maintenance and development tools for a Sling or AEM (cloud) platform, including several tools such as a lightweight JCR browser and a log viewer.
- a simple page component to arrange a set of read only tools in a tiled view with
- a summarized status information view on each tile
- the option to open a detailed view for each of the arranged tools
- the option to add some light versions of the Composum Nodes tools:
- a repository browser to inspect the JCR repository
- a log file viewer
- a proxy for debugging views of the Felix Console
- with a small footprint of the tools itself in the JCR repository
- customizable and restrictable via OSGi configuration for each environment
- prepared as normal content with no additional configuration needed in the web tier
- works even on an AEM cloud publisher (though that's likely best only for internal testing systems)
For a more detailed description of the features, installation instructions etc. please consult the project documentation site.
Picture of the dashboard - click to enlarge
Picture of the JCR Browser - click to enlarge
the big brother of the Composum Dashboard tools