This is an aurelia breadcrumbs widget conceived as a custom element that renders your application router's active navigation instruction chain.
Download from npm:
npm install aurelia-crumbs
In your applications main file:
In your route declarations (that you pass to your router), you can now include an option breadcrumb property:
const routes = [
route: ['route1'],
name: 'route1',
moduleId: './routes/route1/route1',
title: 'Route 1',
breadcrumb: true
route: ['route2'],
name: 'route2',
moduleId: './routes/route2/route2',
title: 'Route 2',
breadcrumb: true
export class App {
configureRouter(routerConfig, router) {
routerConfig.options.pushState = true;;
this.router = router;
In order for a route to be rendered by the breadcrumb widget, the route's config must have breadcrumb === true and a truthy title.
Then, add the custom element somewhere in your application:
<aurelia-crumbs config.bind="config"></aurelia-crumbs>
The widget takes an optional config object which has one parameter:
- separator: string (valid html to separate crumbs).
If you want to dynamically change a route title in the widget, you can do the following:
import {Router} from 'aurelia-router';
export class SomeRoute {
constructor(router) {
this.router = router;
attached() {
this.router.currentInstruction.config.title = 'New Title';