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shadcn/ui component library with glassmorphism variants, and many additional components


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Themable shadcn/ui component library with glassmorphism variants, and extra components like the Circular Progress.

Comparison with shadcn/ui

Key Differences from shadcn/ui

Apart from all components being now part of a component library, these are the main differences:

  1. Glassmorphic variants for components with solid surfaces
  2. Improved color options and management: Additional color aliases and easier color switching. More consistent color usage, specially with gray and primary/accent colors.
  3. New components like CircularProgress, ComboBox, DotIndicator, and HeadingTitle.
  4. Customizable blur effects for glassmorphic component variants.
  5. Improved button styles and variants.
  6. Enhanced toast notifications.

Better readability and maintainability

  • Component classes are defined at the top of each file, and chopped down into shorter lines to make them more readable and maintainable.
  • Color aliases for primary, secondary, gray, danger and warning colors. Easy to identify and refactor.
  • createTailwindPreset(): Switch your theme colors quickly, without having to rewrite CSS vars or classes.

New components

  • ComboBox (basically is a combination of Command and Popover elements)
  • Dot Indicator (special badge with 1/1 ratio, e.g. for notification counters)
  • Heading Title (with gradient variants)
  • Circular Progress

Upcoming components

  • Submit Button, with loading indicator and using useFormStatus under the hood (will need React 19).

Component changes

  • Button: Added color and radius props.
  • Toast: Allows up to 3 toast notifications to be shown at once. Improved spacing between them.

Many components having a solid color (for example buttons), will now have a color prop to change the color to one of default (gray), primary, secondary, danger or warning.

Opt-in Glassmorphic Style

All components that are containers, dialogs or popovers, and have a solid surface / background color will now have these new props to transform them into a glassmorphic style:

  • variant: default or glass.
  • blur: Allows to customize the blur radius, e.g. xl. Same values as backdrop-blur-* classes.


This is a Tailwind CSS component library, so you need to install the package, adjust your tailwind.config.js|ts configuration and some global styles.

npm install glasscn-ui

Tailwind CSS configuration

import { createTailwindPreset } from 'glasscn-ui'

// Example preset configuration (config object is optional)
const glasscnPreset = createTailwindPreset({
  baseRadius: '0.5em',
  colors: {
    // For primary, secondary, gray, danger and warning colors,
    // you can use any Tailwind color name, or a custom color palette.
    primary: 'blue',
    secondary: 'yellow',
    gray: {
      50: '#f9fafb',
      100: '#f3f4f6',
      200: '#e5e7eb',
      300: '#d1d5db',
      400: '#9ca3af',
      500: '#6b7280',
      600: '#4b5563',
      700: '#374151',
      800: '#1f2937',
      900: '#111827',
    danger: 'red',
    warning: 'yellow',
    background: {
      light: '#ffffff',
      dark: '#000000',
    foreground: {
      light: '#000000',
      dark: '#ffffff',
    foregroundMuted: {
      light: '#9ca3af',
      dark: '#6b7280',
    border: {
      light: '#d1d5db',
      dark: '#374151',
    borderMuted: {
      light: '#e5e7eb',
      dark: '#4b5563',

export default {
  content: [
    // ...
    './node_modules/glasscn-ui/dist/index.js', // tell Tailwind's JIT to also include glasscn-ui's classes.
  presets: [glasscnPreset],

Global styles

@tailwind base;
@tailwind components;
@tailwind utilities;

@layer base {
  :root {
    --background: theme('colors.background.light');
    --background-muted: theme('colors.background.muted.light');
    --foreground: theme('colors.foreground.light');
    --foreground-muted: theme('colors.foreground.muted.light');
    --border: theme('colors.border.light');
    --border-muted: theme('colors.border.muted.light');

  .dark {
    --background: theme('colors.background.dark');
    --background-muted: theme('colors.background.muted.dark');
    --foreground: theme('colors.foreground.dark');
    --foreground-muted: theme('colors.foreground.muted.dark');
    --border: theme('colors.border.dark');
    --border-muted: theme('colors.border.muted.dark');

  ::after {
    border-color: var(--border);

  * {
    box-sizing: border-box;
    position: relative;

  [hidden] {
    display: none;

  [inert] {
    pointer-events: none;
    user-select: none;

  html {
    font-size: 16px;

  body {
    background-color: var(--background);
    color: var(--foreground);

What components are not included?

In order to reduce the amount of dependencies and the bundle size and complexity, some components are not included:

  • Calendar
  • Carousel
  • Chart(s)
  • Form
  • Sonner

If you need these components, install them from the original shadcn/ui.


Component libraries are easier to install and to get updates from, with the downside that they are harder to customize.

You have many customization options via the createTailwindPreset() function, but if you need to modify the components, you will need to copy-paste their code into your own project instead of importing them from the library.


Support for glassmorphic variants

Containers and popovers:

  • Alert
  • AlertDialog
  • Card
  • Combobox
  • Command
  • ContextMenu
  • Dialog
  • Drawer
  • DropdownMenu
  • HoverCard
  • MenuBar
  • NavigationMenu
  • Popover
  • Select
  • Sheet
  • Toast
  • Tooltip


  • Tabs
  • Toggle
  • ToggleGroup


shadcn/ui component library with glassmorphism variants, and many additional components





