This repo includes dotfiles for my i3-wm arch linux setup
- Install tools (if you dont have)
- sudo pacman -S neofetch thunar zsh rofi
- yay -S polybar
- clone oh-my-zsh github project
- gruvbox-gtk-theme
- gruvbox-gtk-fonts
- JetBrains Nerd Font should be installed
- Font Awesome 5 Free, Free Solid, Brands
- siji-git fonts
- Copy all the files from this repository in your ~/ (home directory) Note - Make backup or remove your old config files so new config can work smooothly
- cd i3-dotfiles
- cp -r * ~/
- Reload i3
- Model : Acer Nitro 5 AN515-43
- AMD Ryzen 5 3550H with Radeon Vega Graphics
- 16 GB RAM
- Graphics : AMD Vega Graphics 8
- Dedicated : AMD Radeon RX 560X