This is simple app that tests pods recovery after random failure. There are two sets of helm charts: chaos-monkey which is actual application and hello-world which creates simple input pods for chaos-monkey to consume.
To set namespace change namespace in which pods will be terminated, change namespace setting in charts/chaos-monkey/values.yaml under app.env.namespace.
To set interval how often random termination will be performed, change interval setting in charts/chaos-monkey/values.yaml under app.env.interval.
Start minikube with suggested resources. Whole setup was tested on Mac OSX Catalina (version 10.15.7). Should work in any other operating system, without many changes.
Spawn test services (nginx containers named hello-world will be created) for chaos monkey to kill.
To deploy actual application on minikube, run:
To observe pods behaviour see:
kubectl get all --namespace hello-namespace
or watch logs from chaos-monkey container:
kubectl logs -f pod/chaos-monkey-<hash>
Get container id from:
kubectl get all | grep pod/chaos-monkey
Run below code and open to see metrics
export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace default -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
kubectl --namespace default port-forward $POD_NAME 8080:8000
To remove all deployments and turn off minikube:
helm uninstall chaos-monkey
helm uninstall hello-world
minikube stop && minikube delete