The DJILink project allows to control a DJI-drone from ROS. It uses the "DJI Mobile SDK" in an Android-application and connects to ROS with the MAVLink-protocol. It also allows to receive aerial images from the drone while still in flight.
The Android device and your ROS-System have to be part of the same network. UDP- and TCP-connections have to be allowed.
This Android application connects to any compatible DJI-UAV via the DJI Mobile SDK. It is necessary to claim a "DJI Mobile SDK API key" and a "Google Maps API key" to run this application. Both have to be stored as a string-resource.
To store the DJI key, create a xml-file with the following content in the folder /app/src/debug/res/values/:
<string name="dji_api_key" templateMergeStrategy="preserve" translatable="false"> dd0bd2ad108be95abf0ac6aa </string>
To release your app, copy the same file in the folder /app/src/release/res/values/. It may contain a different API key.
The same procedure is used for the GoogleMaps API key. Here, the string name has to be "google_maps_key".
Used to transmit the following data via MAVLink:
- mission
- start command
- position of the UAV
- attitude of the UAV
Used to transmit the aerial images with a self-defined protocol.