A actually working expo-graphics example
To get the expo-graphics working, I have to use a specific version of expo-graphics
plus a specific version of expo
. That is v1.0.0-alpha.1 for expo-graphics
and v28 for expo
To start the project:
npm install
expo start
I found that expo-graphics
DOES NOT work with the current expo sdk v31. Upgrading expo-three, three, and expo-graphics are just a hot mess that you should not avoid. Incompatibility and missing dependency will make you suffer. I experience that. It is not a good one. It makes me feel expo is just not stable enough for production usage.
I mainly test on Android Pie.
It will throw error if you use the latest version of expo
and expo-graphics
undefined is not an object (evaluating'_expo.AR.TrackingConfigurations.World')
You can experience the frustration if you checkout the branch sdk_31