Kaolin - reusable components for Raku
use Kaolin::File;
my $dir = '.'.IO but Kaolin::File::Finder;
.Str.say for $dir.find(:recursive);
my $dir = '.'.IO but (Kaolin::File::Finder, Kaolin::File::Namer);
.Str.say for $dir.find(:recursive).grep({$_.basename ne $_.basename-clean});
.fix-basename.Str.say for $dir.find.grep({$_.basename ne $_.basename-clean});
Kaolin is a collection of reusable components.
Kaolin - A fine white clay used in the manufacture of porcelain.
Origin: 1720–30; ←French ←Chinese (Wade-Giles) Kao1ling3, (pinyin). Gāolǐng mountain in Jiangxi province that yielded the first kaolin sent to Europe (gāo high + lǐng hill)
Jeff Armstrong [email protected]
Source can be found at: https://github.com/jaguart/Kaolin
Issues, Comments and Pull Requests are welcome.
Copyright 2023 Jeff Armstrong
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the Artistic License 2.0.