Releases: jahwi/bget
Bget v0.4.0
- Added NOBANNER command. Use it to run bget without the banner.
- Added REFRESH command. Use it to download the latest script list from Bget's repo.
- Added task counter to the GET, UPDATE and REMOVE commands.
- Bget can now store script lists locally, for faster operations.
- Added filter arguments -ONLY and -SORTBY to the LIST command. See readme for more details.
- Added ability to toggle downloading a new script list on every get operation on or off. see SET and QUERY for more details.
- Added ability to view when the script list was last refreshed as a global variable. Check readme for more details.
- Added -VERSION switch. Use it to view the version number of Bget and its core components.
- Added -logs switch to the REMOVE command. use it to clear the contents of Bget's temp folder.
- You can now get help for specific commands, e.g BGET -help get.
- The INFO command now displays the script size for scripts on Bget's repo.
- The HELP command now displays command-specific help, e.g. BGET -help -get.
- The SET command no longer requires adding a tack to the variables to be configured. E.g. BGET -set -ddm now becomes BGET -set ddm.
Bget v0.2.0
v0.2.0 [10-JAN-2019]
- Added NEWSCRIPTS function. Use it to see what scripts we've added.
- Invalid input no longer prints the help screen. Type bget -help for that.
- Bget no longer requires a -usemethod argument. Bget will now default to a default download method in the absence of a usemethod argument.
- Added SET function. Use it to set global variables such as the default download method.
- The LOCAL function of the LIST switch now enumerates downloaded pastebin scripts.
- Changed function to remove psstebin scripts from "-remove pastebin" to "-remove -pastebin"
- Calling the SET and LIST functions with no arguments now display the syntax, as opposed to throwing an error.
- Using the BITS method to download scripts from an external repo now shows a warning.
v0.1.3 [02-DEC-2018] Bget can now get files from other repositories.
[04-DEC-2018] The LIST server function now lists in a tabular format.
Bget now displays version number and date pushed.
[05-DEC-2018] Bget can now open the scripts folder with the -OPENSCRIPTS function.
Fixed an issue where the UPGRADE function caused the cmd window to ignore exit commands.
[06-DEC-2018] Added -FORCE to UPDATE function. Force updates regardless of version.
[07-DEC-2018] Added -FULL to the LIST function. It allows one view the list with less formatting.
v0.1.4 [14-DEC-2018] Added -SEARCH function. Use it to search scripts on the server.
Fixed an issue where the UPDATE function failed to update archived script.
v0.1.5 [18-DEC-2018] Fixed an issue where the # delimiter broke Bget.
[20-DEC-2018] Fixed an issue where paths with spaces broke Bget.
v0.1.6 [21-DEC-2018] The SEARCH function is no longer case-sensitive.
bget v0.1.3-071218