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Releases: jamjarlabs/JamJarWeb


25 Feb 00:38
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v0.10.0 Pre-release

[v0.10.0] - 2021-02-25


  • CanvasResizeSystem to handle automatic resizing of the canvas to fit a wrapper/the screen while maintaining the
    requested aspect ratio and within maximum resolution constraints.
  • CanvasResize utility functions to allow manual canvas resizing and providing best estimate aspect ratios.
  • Global variables to allow flexiblity in hosting environment.
    • window.JamJar.CanvasID - The ID of the canvas to render to.
    • window.JamJar.CanvasWrapperID - The ID of the wrapper around the canvas, used to handle automatic resizes.
    • window.JamJar.RootPath - The 'root path' that the game was loaded from to handle resolving paths to assets.
  • Ability to stop games, using the window.JamJar.StopGames() global function, allows host sites to stop a running
  • Object pooling, allows reusing objects in memory to avoid the garbage collection churn of create -> delete -> create.
    This can help prevent stuttering due to minor and major garbage collection occurring between frames by reducing the
    volume of objects that need garbage collected.
  • Vector object is now poolable, with helper static functions added to Vector
    • New -> provisions a Vector from the object pool if available, if not it creates a new instance.
    • Free -> releases a Vector back into the object pool if available.
    • Init -> initializes the Vector object pool to a specified size.
  • Renderable object is now poolable, with similar helper static functions as Vector.
  • DispatchUntilEmpty method added to MessageBus, allows repeated dispatching until the message queue is empty.
  • StatefulSystem abstract definition for tracking entities and components, handles listening for registration and
  • ArraySystem for tracking entities and components in an array, good for iteration.
  • MapSystem for tracking entities and components in a map, good for lookups.


  • In Polygon -> RectangleByDimensions, QuadByDimensions, and EllipseEstimation all now represent center/origin
    using two X and Y numbers rather than a vector object to avoid unneeded object creation.
  • In Ellipse -> Circle represnts center using two X and Y numbers rather than a vector object to avoid unneeded
    object creation.
  • Component implements IFreeable, allowing component values to be freed upon removal/entity destruction. This
    must be implemented on a per Component basis by overriding this function.
  • The game loop now ensures all game logic messages are processed using DispatchUntilEmpty before executing any
    render logic.
  • AABBAlgorithm more efficient algorithm involving sweeping horizontal then vertical.
  • AABB method FarthestPointInDirection faster and using less Vector objects.
  • Pointer, pointer move, and wheel events synced up and dispatched within the engine update loop.
  • Polygon uses Float32Array internally.
  • Polygon can now be initialised with a Float32Array.
  • Frustum culling moved to preprocessing and removed from render pipeline.
  • Replaced in-house Vector and Matrix code with the gl-matrix library.
  • Shapes' Transform method is now mutable, it affects the object it is being applied to.
  • Message objects are now poolable.
  • Color now internally uses a typed array.
  • System now stateless, does not track any entities/components, instead use a StatefulSystem.


05 Sep 22:02
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v0.9.0 Pre-release

[v0.9.0] - 2020-09-05


  • Polygon has a new static method EllipseEstimation for creating a Polygon that estimates an ellipse.
  • Polygon objects can now be initialised to be wrapped.
  • New index links all exported types, allows for easier imports.
    • Instead of import x from "jamjar/lib/path"; it is now import { x } from "jamjar";
  • HTTPAudioSystem for loading audio assets over HTTP.
  • AudioSourceSystem for interpreting AudioSource components and using them
    to play audio.
    • Audio can be played by adding an AudioSource to an entity and configuring
  • Scripting system.
    • HTTPScriptSystem loads scripts over HTTP.
    • ScriptTriggerSystem handles standalone scripts that can be triggered on
      events, currently only event supported is Update.
    • ScriptEngineSystem handles executing scripts and provides an interface
      between the game engine and the script.
    • Collider now has an optional script string, which allows triggering a
      script on collision.
    • Scripts can be manually triggered by sending a ScriptTriggerRequest as a
  • AABB shape, Axis-Aligned Bounding Box - ignores rotation, good for faster
    collision detection than fully defined Polygons.
  • AABBAlgorithm for detecting collisions between AABBs, can take any shape,
    only does checks in 4 directions.
  • Matrix3D and Matrix4D have new Set function for settings Matrix values.


  • Game loop now relies on more accurate timing method, using requestAnimationFrame over
  • Entry point changed from game.js to index.js.
  • Vector changed to use Float32Array behind the scenes.
  • Matrix3D and Matrix4D changed to use Float32Array behind the scenes.
  • Matrix3D and Matrix4D operations now return a reference to themselves.
  • Matrix3D and Matrix4D can no longer be value initialised through
  • Collision events now set to be on collision enter and exit only, not every
    update that the collision is occurring for.
  • Scripts can now be set to be trigged on collision enter or exit in the
    Collider component. Scripts no longer can be triggered on every update for
    the duration of a collision.
  • Collision algorithms now take as input an array of IShape to check, rather
    than simply two IShape, and returns a list of CollisionInfo, rather than a
    single CollisionInfo or undefined.
  • Renamed CalculateCollision -> CalculateCollisions in
  • GJKAlgorithm updated to match new ICollisionAlgorithm interface.
  • AlwaysCollideAlgorithm renamed AllCollideAlgorithm.
  • NeverCollideAlgorithm renamed NoneCollideAlgorithm.
  • All Vector methods are now mutable, no longer immutable to try and reduce number of JS objects created.


  • The zOrder is now correctly interpreted in WebGLSystem rather than being
    in order of renderable creation.
  • Rotate and RotateDeg now calculating correctly.


  • Matrix3D and Matrix4D Identity() function removed.
  • Polygon GetArray() function removed.


28 May 22:32
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v0.8.0 Pre-release

[v0.8.0] - 2020-05-28


  • Ability to configure how textures are configured with ITextureOptions.
    • Can specify x and y wrap.
      • Repeat.
      • Repeat mirror.
      • Clamp to edge.
    • Can specify magnification and minification filters.
      • Nearest neighbour.
      • Bilinear.
      • Trilinear.
    • Can specify generating mipmaps.
  • Primitive rendering, can now render primitive shapes by adding a Primitive
    component - can render lines, polygons, and points; allows specifying draw
    • Allows more low level control over rendering, rather than Sprite, which
      has a fixed draw mode and is further processed by the SpriteSystem.
  • Material property color added, if there is a texture the texture will be
    mixed with this color, if there is no texture the color will be used directly.
  • Simple tags option for entities, an array of string tags that can be used to
    discriminate between entities without requiring an entirely new component.
  • Simple layers option for entities, an array of string layers, intended for
    grouping entities and treating them differently.
  • CollisionSystem now takes an optional collisionLayerPairs parameter, if
    this is provided it allows for filtering collisions by layers - with only
    specified layers allowed to collide. If no collisionLayerPairs provided,
    no filtering is applied.
  • New option for loading textures, mirror - allows loading textures in a
    mirrored mode (flip horizontally and vertically).
  • New static quad functions in Polygon, QuadByPoints and QuadByDimensions
    to generate quads easily.
  • Sprite Animation through the SpriteAnimator components and
    • Can make animations with a SpriteAnimation, allows switching between
      animation states.
    • SpriteAnimation allows specifying animation frame rate.
    • SpriteAnimation defined as an array of SpriteKeyFrame, which contain
      information such as the material to render with, the duration of the
      keyframe etc.
  • New GenerateSpritesheetIndex static function for Texture, allows creation
    of an indexed sprite sheet for ease of use with a texture.


  • Images now loaded with a new ImageRequest rather than an ImageAsset -
    ImageAsset used internally.
    • Message for loading images moved from ImageAsset to ImageRequest.
  • Optional font options specified by a IFontOptions interface, allows
    overriding default font options such as characters, buffer, cutoff etc.
  • Material options specified by new IMaterialOptions, a collection of
    optional arguments that override material defaults, such as texture, color
    and shaders.
  • Material property texture now optional, if none provided it will render
    only using the color.
  • TRIANGLES draw mode now used instead of TRIANGLES_FAN for sprites.
  • Sprites and text now rendered exclusively using quads, sprite shape can no
    longer be specified.


  • Z order bug where an error was thrown if there were gaps between z orders,
    e.g. 0, 1, 3 would error because 2 was missing - caused due to internal
    representation of z order with an array; changed to use a map.
  • Dispatches in the message bus could be skipped if a subscriber unsubscribed
    from the message, causing the order to be confused and subscribers to be
    skipped. Fixed by cloning the dispatch queue before dispatching.


  • Cannot draw with TRIANGLES_FAN draw mode.


04 May 16:08
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v0.7.0 Pre-release

[v0.7.0] - 2020-05-04


  • Frustum Culling separated out, can choose a collision algorithm to use for
  • Apply4D added to Polygon to apply 4D matrices.
  • Center added to Polygon to get center of shape.
  • Center added to IShape.
  • Wheel support, can now listen for wheel events, which are published with
    throttled WheelEvent messages.


  • Collision algorithms now abstracted as ICollisionAlgorithm, can be swapped
    out in CollisionSystem and FrustumCulling.
    • Collision algorithms take two shapes as input and output a CollisionInfo
      object, or undefined if there is no collision.
  • GJK refactored to work as a ICollisionAlgorithm.


04 Apr 20:21
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v0.6.1 Pre-release

[v0.6.1] - 2020-04-04


  • Text position correctly calculated for UI entities.


04 Apr 16:23
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v0.6.0 Pre-release

[v0.6.0] - 2020-04-04


  • RectangleByPoints function in Polygon, creates a new Polygon rectangle
    between the two provided points.
  • Frustum culling, only rendering what is on screen to improve performance.
  • Text rendering with the TextSystem, FontAsset and Text Component.
    • Supports any font loaded through the browser.
    • Specify font size, weight, family, and other tuning options through
      FontAsset for a font.
    • Specify z order, alignment, spacing, color, offset and shaders through
      Text component for a specific piece of text.
    • New fragment shader for rendering text, default_text_fragment.
  • Renderable can now have additional information attached to them by
    pre-rendering systems, which can be accessed by shaders.
  • Material represents shaders and a texture to apply. Can be applied to
    entities, allowing custom shaders.
  • Can now load custom shaders using a ShaderAsset.


  • Merged SpriteSystem and UISystem into a single system - SpriteSystem.
  • Rectangle function in Polygon renamed RectangleByDimensions.
  • RectangleByDimensions takes an optional origin point, default 0,0.
  • All sprites require a Texture now, no longer optional.
  • ImageSystem renamed to HTTPImageSystem.
  • Group by texture for WebGL rendering to reduce texture switching and improve


  • Polygon.PointInside does not mistakenly predict point to the right of the
    polygon are inside.


22 Mar 16:37
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v0.5.0 Pre-release

[v0.5.0] - 2020-03-22


  • zOrder field to sprites, to determine which sprites should be rendered infront of which.


  • System and descendants of System now use optional parameters rather than an object containing multiple parameters.
  • Pointer events are now published immediately and do not wait for the next update.


  • PointerCameraInfo.withinBounds now correctly calculated.


20 Mar 23:23
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v0.4.1 Pre-release

[v0.4.1] - 2020-03-20


  • worldPosition now correctly calculated; correctly handles new coordinate space.


20 Mar 22:29
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v0.4.0 Pre-release

[v0.4.0] - 2020-03-20


  • New UISystem for creating HUDs and UIs, position and scale relative to camera view rather than world space.


  • Changed coordinate systems from (-0.5, -0.5) -> (0.5, 0.5) to (-1, -1) -> (1, 1) to be more intuitive.
    • Camera field viewportPosition changed.
    • PointerCameraInfo field cameraPosition changed.
    • Pointer field elementPosition changed.
    • For UI enabled entities, the Transform field position changed.


05 Mar 11:49
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v0.3.0 Pre-release

[v0.3.0] - 2020-03-05


  • Added FullscreenSystem to handle fullscreen events and pointer lock.
  • PointerSystem supports pointer lock through the FullscreenSystem.
  • PointInside function for shapes (Polygon and Ellipse), determines if a point is inside the polygon.


  • KeyboardSystem messages emitted use JS KeyboardEvent.code (physical keyboard) rather than KeyboardEvent.key (input character).
  • System to store SystemEntities as a map rather than as an array, for easier random access.


  • GetSystemEntity - no longer needed as SystemEntities stored as map.