A Quark extension for SuperCollider, to simplify the handling of wavetables.
GPL v3, authored by James Harkins.
- WavetablePrep: Reads wavetable data from audio files or images, and pre-processes them for frequency mapping to reduce aliasing.
- MultiWtOsc: An oscillator pseudo-UGen that uses wavetable buffers produced by WavetablePrep.
- WavetablePrepGui: A graphical interface to visualize the interpolation and frequency mapping.
- SoundFileStream: A utility class, to simplify in-memory audio I/O.
WavetablePrepGui uses my ddwGUIEnhancements quark.
I believe that the other classes use only main library methods. If you find something that is broken with a "does not understand" error, please file a bug report in this repository ("Issues").