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CLEM registration workflow

John Bogovic edited this page Dec 2, 2021 · 2 revisions

This page describes the CLEM registration workflow used for COSEM as of November 2021. The details are likely to change, as developments toward improving usability are ongoing.



  • Decide whether to transform light or em image data
  • Choose scale level from mito prediction pyramid.
  • Perform rough alignment* (if needed)
    • Crop
    • Permute axes
  • Draw mask (if needed)
  • Blur mito predictions
    • this will be a script (TODO).
  • Export moving and target images to nrrd

rough alignment details

If needed, the details / parameters of the transformations must be recorded. Using Marwan's tool, this is possible by simply exporting the transformation.

automatic registration

These steps run automatic registration with elastix and enable a user to select parameters that work best.

  • Choose set of parameters
    • (probably use all available).
  • Set up elastix script
  • Run elastix script.
  • Visualize all results, choose the best, note the transform.


Determine if fine tuning is needed, if so:

  • Run Bigwarp with the best result so far
  • Place landmarks to desired registration accuracy
  • Save landmarks


  • Decide the format / resolution / field of view of the export
    • probably N5, FOV corresponding to the target image, resolution corresponding to the original moving image resolution
  • Edit the transformation script
    • Set resolution / fov parameters
    • Specify all transforms used (rough alignment, elastix, bigwarp)
    • Soon to be replaced by this fiji plugin ?
  • Run the transformation script
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