The official Plexo .NET library, supporting Standard 2.0+, .NET Core 2.0+, and .NET Framework 4.6.1+.
Install-Package Plexo.Net
dotnet add package Plexo.Net
Open the Solution Explorer
Right-click on a project within your solution.
Click on Manage NuGet Packages....
Click on the Browse
tab and search for "Plexo.Net".
Click on the Plexo.Net
package, select the appropriate version and click Install.
We provide an extension that you can easily add to your startup where your appsettings configuration will be automaticaly bind with the specified section.
services.AddPlexoClient(options => Configuration.GetSection("PlexoSettings").Bind(options));
can be replaced with any custom name.
Optionally you can also set each property value manually.
services.AddPlexoClient(options =>
options.ClientName = "MyCommerce";
options.CertificateName = "mycommerce_production";
options.CertificatePassword = "R4ndomStr0ngPa$$word";
options.GatewayUrl = "";
Name of the client to configureCertificateName
Name of the certificate on the certificate storeCertificatePassword
Password of the certicateGatewayUrl
Gateway endpoint for the selected environment (refer to available gateway endpoints)
Custom path to locate the certificate, must be relative to the project's root
Plexo requires the use certificate signing on requests and responses, with is handled by the library for you.
Contact our support team and they will provide you with a PKCS#1 certificate (PFX) for the requested environment and assistance if required.
The current user personal store must contain a certificate with the value of CertificateName
As fallback the library will attempt to locate the certificate on a custom file path relative to the application's base path.
Fallback (relative path)
- No built-in support for automatic retries.
- There's no support for multiple clients certificates on the same application.