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migrate caching to get_ZB18a, only do it upon request
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CRAN asked me not to write to the user's directory by default.

We now have:
- get_solution()
  - which calls get_ZB18a() (which now documents the OS)
    - which downloads and caches the OS if needed, or reads from cache (unless
    force == TRUE).
- snvec() the main function
  • Loading branch information
japhir committed May 9, 2023
1 parent 7dc49f1 commit c66f727
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Showing 18 changed files with 243 additions and 148 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
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Expand Up @@ -31,7 +31,8 @@ Imports:
rlang (>= 0.4.11),
Config/testthat/edition: 3
R (>= 3.5.0)
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2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
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@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
# Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand

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7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions R/data.R
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#' The HNBody output of Zeebe & Lourens (2019).
#' The wikipedia page on [Orbital elements](
#' describes what the components relate to in order to uniquely specify an orbital plane.
#' The wikipedia page on [Orbital
#' elements]( describes what the
#' components relate to in order to uniquely specify an orbital plane. The
#' function asks to download the files to the user's cache directory so that they
#' can be accessed more quickly in the future.
#' @format ## `ZB18a`
#' A data frame with 250,001 rows and 20 columns:
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108 changes: 99 additions & 9 deletions R/get_solution.R
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#' @param orbital_solution Character vector with the name of the orbital
#' solution to use. One of `"ZB18a"` (default) from Zeebe and Lourens (2019),
#' or `"La11"` (not yet implemented!).
# quiet and force are documented in get_ZB18a
#' @inheritParams get_ZB18a
#' @seealso [get_ZB18a()]
#' @inherit get_ZB18a references
get_solution <- function(orbital_solution = "ZB18a") {
#' @returns `get_solution()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the
#' orbital solution input and some preprocessed new columns.
#' @examples
#' get_solution()
#' @export
get_solution <- function(orbital_solution = "ZB18a", quiet = FALSE) {
solutions <- c("ZB18a", "La11")
if (!orbital_solution %in% solutions) {
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var orbital_solution} must be one of: {.or {.q {solutions}}}",
Expand All @@ -14,7 +21,7 @@ get_solution <- function(orbital_solution = "ZB18a") {

if (orbital_solution == "ZB18a") {
# read in the (new?) cached result
dat <- get_ZB18a()
dat <- get_ZB18a(quiet = quiet)
if (orbital_solution == "La11") {
## dat <- snvecR::La11
Expand All @@ -27,16 +34,99 @@ get_solution <- function(orbital_solution = "ZB18a") {

#' Get the ZB18a solution from the cache
#' Get the ZB18a solution
# The cache is created in when the package is loaded, in zzz.R.
#' @param quiet Be quiet?
#' * If `TRUE`, hide info messages.
#' * If `FALSE` (the default) print info messages and timing.
#' @param force Force re-downloading the results, even if the solution is saved
#' to the cache.
#' @returns `get_ZB18a()` returns a [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the
#' orbital solution input and some preprocessed new columns.
#' @rdname ZB18a
get_ZB18a <- function() {
#' @seealso [prepare_solution()] Processes orbital solution input to include
#' helper columns.
#' @examples
#' get_ZB18a()
#' @export
get_ZB18a <- function(quiet = FALSE, force = FALSE) {
ZB18a_url <- ""

cachedir <- tools::R_user_dir("snvecR", which = "cache")
ZB18apath <- paste0(cachedir, "/ZB18a.rds")
raw_path <- paste0(cachedir, "/ems-plan3.dat")
csv_path <- paste0(cachedir, "/ZB18a.csv")
rds_path <- paste0(cachedir, "/ZB18a.rds")

# if it doesn't exist, or the user wants to override the file
if (!file.exists(rds_path) || force) {
if (!file.exists(csv_path) || force) {
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("The orbital solution ZB18a has not been downloaded.")

# default to Yes downloading if not interactive (i.e. GitHub actions)
if (!interactive()) {
download <- TRUE
# default to no caching, so that we're not writing to the user's directory
save_cache <- FALSE
} else {# we're interactive
# a logical, TRUE if Yes, no if otherwise
download <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "Would you like to download and process it now?") == 1L

# the user would NOT like to download and process the orbital solution
if (!download) {
cli::cli_abort("Cannot `get_ZB18a()` without downloading the file.")
} else {# the user would like to download and process the orbital solution
if (interactive()) {
save_cache <- utils::menu(c("Yes", "No"), title = "Would you like to save the results to the cache?") == 1L

if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("Reading {.file {basename(raw_path)}} from website {.url {ZB18a_url}}.")

# read the file from the website
ZB18a <- readr::read_table(ZB18a_url,
col_names = c("t", # time in days
"aa", # semimajor axis
"ee", # eccentricity
"inc", # inclination
"lph", # long periapse
"lan", # long ascending node
"arp", # argument of periapse
"mna"), # mean anomaly
skip = 3,
comment = "#") #|>

if (save_cache) {
dir.create(cachedir, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("The cache directory is {.file {cachedir}}.")
# also copy the raw file to disk, even though we've read it in using read_table directly
curl::curl_download(ZB18a_url, destfile = raw_path)
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("Saved {.file {basename(raw_path)}} to cache.")

# write intermediate result to csv
readr::write_csv(ZB18a, csv_path)
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("Saved cleaned-up {.file {basename(csv_path)}} to cache.")
} else {# if we've downloaded the file but haven't prepared the solution somehow
ZB18a <- readr::read_csv(csv_path)

# prepare the solution (i.e. calculate helper columns)
ZB18a <- ZB18a |>

if (save_cache) {
readr::write_rds(ZB18a, rds_path)
if (!quiet) {
cli::cli_alert("Saved solution with helper columns {.file {basename(rds_path)}} to cache.",
"i" = "Future runs will read from the cache, unless you specify `force = TRUE`.")
} else {# if the rds file already exist, read it from the cache
ZB18a <- readr::read_rds(rds_path)

# if you picked no during the onLoad, I assume read_rds will tell you the
# file doesn't exist
ZB18a <- readr::read_rds(ZB18apath)
65 changes: 29 additions & 36 deletions R/interpolation.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,47 +1,40 @@
## using approxfun
## has an article on time-varying inputs
## we can use approxfun to generate a function that approximates =col= for timestep t.
# using approxfun
# has an article on time-varying inputs
# we can use approxfun to generate a function that approximates =col= for timestep t.

##' Linearly interpolate a dataframe.
##' @param dat The dataframe.
##' @param col A character vector with the column we want to interpolate on.
##' @returns A function that predicts `col` as a function of `t` in `dat`.
##' @seealso [qinterp()] for quick interpolation of a single timestep.
##' @importFrom stats approxfun
##' @importFrom dplyr select
##' @noRd
#' Linearly interpolate a dataframe.
#' @param dat The dataframe.
#' @param col A character vector with the column we want to interpolate on.
#' @returns A function that predicts `col` as a function of `t` in `dat`.
#' @seealso [qinterp()] for quick interpolation of a single timestep.
#' @noRd
approxdat <- function(dat, col) {
# I'm not putting any input checks because it's an internal function
dat |>
dplyr::select(all_of(c("t", col))) |>
approxfun(rule = 2)

## implement qinterp similar to the C-routine
## :header-args:R: :tangle R/interpolation.R :comments org :session *R:snvec-R* :exports both :results output :eval no-export
## :END:

##' Quickly interpolate a single value.
##' `qinterp()` is a custom linear interpolation algorithm that is much faster
##' than using the full vectorized `[approx()]` or `[approxfun()]`, because it
##' only interpolates the single value of the current timestep.
##' @param y The vector to interpolate.
##' @param ds The difference in timestep in the astronomical solution.
##' @param dx The difference between the current timestep and the timestep in the astronomical solution.
##' @param m The index variable of the current position in the astronomical solution.
##' @returns The vector of interpolated results.
##' @examples
##' # interpolate ZB18a$lph[[1:4]]
##' qinterp(ZB18a$lph[[1:4]], ds = -146100, dx = -18262.5, m = 2)
##' @seealso [approxdat()] for linear interpolation of the full astronomical solution.
##' @noRd
# implement qinterp similar to the C-routine
#' Quickly interpolate a single value.
#' `qinterp()` is a custom linear interpolation algorithm that is much faster
#' than using the full vectorized `[approx()]` or `[approxfun()]`, because it
#' only interpolates the single value of the current timestep.
#' @param y The vector to interpolate.
#' @param ds The difference in timestep in the astronomical solution.
#' @param dx The difference between the current timestep and the timestep in the astronomical solution.
#' @param m The index variable of the current position in the astronomical solution.
#' @returns The vector of interpolated results.
#' @examples
#' # interpolate ZB18a$lph[[1:4]]
#' qinterp(ZB18a$lph[[1:4]], ds = -146100, dx = -18262.5, m = 2)
#' @seealso [approxdat()] for linear interpolation of the full astronomical solution.
#' @noRd
qinterp <- function(y, ds, dx, m) {
yi <- y[m]
dy <- 0
Expand Down
9 changes: 5 additions & 4 deletions R/prepare_solution.R
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Expand Up @@ -9,7 +9,8 @@
#' * `lph` Longitude of perihelion \eqn{\varpi} (degrees).
#' * `lan` Longitude of the ascending node \eqn{\Omega} (degrees).
#' * `inc` Inclination \eqn{I} (degrees).
# inherit quiet
#' @inheritParams get_ZB18a
#' @returns A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the new columns added.
#' @seealso [get_ZB18a()] [get_solution()]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -43,18 +44,18 @@
# \item{npx, npy, npz}{The \eqn{x}, \eqn{y}, and \eqn{z}-components of the unit
# normal vector \eqn{\vec{n}'}{n'}, relative to ECLIPJ2000.}
# IOP = instantaneous orbit plane
prepare_solution <- function(data) {
prepare_solution <- function(data, quiet = FALSE) {
if (!all(c("lph", "lan", "t", "inc") %in% colnames(data))) {
cli::cli_abort("Column names 't', 'lph', 'lan', 'inc' must be in data.")

cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating helper columns")
if (!quiet) cli::cli_alert_info("Calculating helper columns.")
data |>
lphu = unwrap(.data$lph),
lanu = unwrap(.data$lan)
) |>
dplyr::mutate(age =$t / KY2D, .after = .data$t) |>
dplyr::mutate(age =$t / KY2D, .after = "t") |>
hh = .data$ee * sin(.data$lph / R2D),
kk = .data$ee * cos(.data$lph / R2D),
Expand Down
46 changes: 25 additions & 21 deletions R/snvec.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#' Defaults to `1.0`.
#' @param td Tidal dissipation \eqn{T_{d}}{Td}, normalized to modern. Defaults
#' to `0.0`.
# orbital_solution comes from get_solution
#' @inheritParams get_solution
#' @param tres Output timestep resolution in thousands of years (kyr). Defaults
#' to `0.4`.
Expand All @@ -21,12 +22,9 @@
#' @param solver Character vector specifying the method passed to
#' [deSolve::ode()]'s `method`. Defaults to `"vode"` for stiff problems
#' with a variable timestep.
#' @param quiet Be quiet?
#' * If `TRUE`, hide info messages.
#' * If `FALSE` (the default) print info messages and timing.
# quiet comes from get_ZB18a. Force does too, but I hope that because we don't
# use it here, it won't get inherited.
#' @inheritParams get_ZB18a
#' @param output Character vector with name of desired output. One of:
#' * `"nice"` (the default) A [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the
Expand All @@ -45,8 +43,7 @@
#' 2010) means that the R routine returns an evenly-spaced time grid, whereas
#' the C-routine has a variable time-step.
#' @returns `snvec()` returns different output depending on the `outputs`
#' argument.
#' @returns `snvec()` returns different output depending on the `outputs` argument.
#' If `output = "nice"` (the default), returns a
#' [tibble][tibble::tibble-package] with the following columns:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -102,8 +99,15 @@
#' `sy`, and `sz` (see above). This can be useful for i.e.
#' [deSolve::diagnostics()].
#' @seealso [deSolve::ode()] from Soetaert et al., (2010) for the ODE solver
#' that we use.
#' @seealso
#' * [deSolve::ode()] from Soetaert et al., (2010) for the ODE solver that we
#' use.
#' * [get_ZB18a()] Documents the default orbital solution input.
#' * [get_solution()] A general function that in the future may be used to get
#' other orbital solutions.
#' @references
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,22 +148,20 @@ snvec <- function(tend = -1e3,
quiet = FALSE,
output = "nice") {

dat <- get_solution(orbital_solution = orbital_solution)

outputs <- c("nice", "all", "ode")
if (!output %in% outputs) {
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var output} must be one of {.or {.q {outputs}}}",
"x" = "You've supplied {.q {output}}"))
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var output} must be one of {.or {.q {outputs}}}.",
"x" = "You've supplied {.q {output}}."))
## tend
if (tend >= 0) {
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var tend} must be < 0",
"x" = "You've supplied {tend}"
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var tend} must be < 0.",
"x" = "You've supplied {tend}."
if (tend < min(dat$t / KY2D)) {
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var tend} must be > the orbital solution {min(dat$t)/KY2D}",
"x" = "You've supplied {tend}"
if (tend < -1e5) {
cli::cli_abort(c("{.var tend} must be > the orbital solution {-1e5}, e.g. -100 Ma.",
"x" = "You've supplied {tend}."

Expand All @@ -182,13 +184,13 @@ snvec <- function(tend = -1e3,
if (ed < .9 | ed > 1.1) {
cli::cli_warn(c("!" = "Dynamic ellipticity likely varied between 0.9980 and 1.0005 during the past 45 Ma!",
"i" = "{.var ed} = {ed}",
"*" = "See Zeebe & Lourens 2022 Pal&Pal <>"))
"*" = "See Zeebe & Lourens 2022 Pal&Pal <>."))

if (td < 0 | td > 1.2) {
cli::cli_warn(c("Tidal dissipation likely varied between 0 and 1!",
"i" = "{.var td} = {td}",
"*" = "See Zeebe & Lourens 2022 Pal&Pal <>"))
"*" = "See Zeebe & Lourens 2022 Pal&Pal <>."))

if (atol < 1e-12 | atol > 1e-3) {
Expand All @@ -198,6 +200,8 @@ snvec <- function(tend = -1e3,
cli::cli_warn("Input relative tolerance should be smaller than 1e-3.")

dat <- get_solution(orbital_solution = orbital_solution)

# message user about inputs
if (!quiet) {
startdate <- lubridate::now()
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions R/snvecR-package.R
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Expand Up @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
#' @importFrom purrr map2_dbl
#' @importFrom readr write_rds read_rds read_table
#' @importFrom rlang .data
#' @importFrom stats approxfun
#' @importFrom tibble tibble
#' @importFrom tidyr unnest
#' @importFrom tidyselect all_of
Expand Down

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