Releases: japhir/snvecR
has some examples in the README.- Created simple vignette comparing the C- and R implementation.
- Improvements to the documentation.
- Checked test coverage to see which lines of code aren't executed during
Full Changelog: v3.10.0...v3.10.1
Fix test user dir pollution
v3.9.4 bump version to 3.9.4
Cache Cleanup After Tests
This release makes sure that the tests, examples, and vignette all use a temporary directory when running, so that it can be cleaned up correctly. This relies on withr
like this:
pth <- withr::local_tempdir(pattern = "snvecR")
withr::local_options(snvecR.cachedir = pth)
These make sure the directory is automatically removed after the test/example/vignette has run.
The cachedir()
function now listens to the package option snvecR.cachedir
to determine the user's cache directory. This can be set with options(snvecR.cachedir = "/path/to/desired/cachedir")
It still defaults to the result of tools::R_user_dir("snvecR", which = "cache")
See also this section of the r-pkgs book and this section on how to clean up after tests.
Remove a lot of dependencies
v3.9.1 version bump to 3.9.1
Consistency in preparation for the Workshop
v3.9.0 update tests
All the Solutions!
I've refactored the get_solution()
function so it can now get all Astronomical Solutions currently available.
CRAN fixes
v3.7.7 add testthat setup file to clean up after running tests
snvecR 3.7.6
- Remove cache directory after last example (even though it's in a donttest environment).
First CRAN release
resolve cache issues #4 added donttest to all function examples default to cache = TRUE if not interactive clear the cache after tests if not interactive