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FlatCC FlatBuffers in C for C

NOTE: see CHANGELOG, there are occassionally breaking changes. In case of trouble, make sure the flatcc tool is same version as the include/flatcc path.

The project includes:

  • an executable flatcc FlatBuffers schema compiler for C and a corresponding library libflatcc.a. The compiler generates C header files or a binary flatbuffers schema.
  • a typeless runtime library libflatccrt.a for building and verifying flatbuffers from C. Generated builder headers depend on this library. It may also be useful for other language interfaces. The library maintains a stack state to make it easy to build buffers from a parser or similar.
  • a small flatcc/portable header only library for non-C11 compliant compilers, and small helpers for all compilers including endian handling and numeric printing and parsing.

See also:

The flatcc compiler is implemented as a standalone tool instead of extending Googles flatc compiler in order to have a pure portable C library implementation of the schema compiler that is designed to fail graciously on abusive input in long running processes. It is also believed a C version may help provide schema parsing to other language interfaces that find interfacing with C easier than C++. The FlatBuffers team at Googles FPL lab has been very helpful in providing feedback and answering many questions to help ensure the best possible compatibility. Notice the name flatcc (FlatBuffers C Compiler) vs Googles flatc.

The flatcc compiler has some extra features such as allowing for referencing structs defined later in the schema - which makes sense since it is already possible with other types. The binary schema format also does not preserve the order of structs. The option is controlled by a flag in config.h The generated source supports both bottom-up and top-down construction mixed freely.

Supported FlatBuffer features are code generation for building, verifying, and reading FlatBuffers, incl. basic support for reflection via reading and writing binary (.bfbs) files but no support for mutations. There is also code generation for printing and parsing FlatBuffers.

The JSON format is compatible with Googles flatc tool but there are differences: flatcc generates printer and parser code from a schema, while flatc takes a schema as input and prints or parses JSON without any code generation. The flatcc approach is likely much faster and easier to deploy for known schema but flatc easier adapts to new schema and provides a command line interface for conversion, so both tools have their place.

flatcc has no external dependencies except for build and compiler tools, and the C runtime library.

NOTE: Big-endian platforms are untested but supported in principle.


The project is still young but test cases cover most functionality and has been run on OS-X 10.11 with clang and Ubuntu 14.04 with gcc on the x86-64 platform and MSVC 14 2015 on Win32. Centos 7.1 is not reguarly tested but is known to work in flatcc 0.3.1 with CMake 2.8.11 and GNU Make.

Buffer verification was introduced in flatcc 0.1.1 which verifies boundaries and alignment. Please note that verification does not ensure that it is safe to mutate buffers because an attacker may still overlap objects within the buffer.

Native code generation for FlatBuffer JSON printing and parsing added in 0.2.0. This is a very fast json processor that can parse or print a 700 byte json message at a rate of ca 1/2 million messages/second (ca. 600MB/s print and 400MB/s parse). See benchmarks below.

NOTE: In version 0.2.0 the buffer verifier result code has been inverted so non-zero is now indicates an error similar to other integer return codes in the runtime library. This makes it possible to return meaningful errors without loss of performance, e.g. that a buffer failed due to a string that was not zero terminated, or a vector was aligned to its element size.

Version 0.3.0 introduced breaking changes related to vector operators, see CHANGELOG for 0.3.0

Centos support was added in flatcc 0.2.1 and Windows support in flatcc 0.3.1.

Big endian platforms have not been tested at all. While care has been taken to handle endian encoding, there are bound to be some issues. The approach taken is to make it work on little endian - then it can always be made to work on big endian later given that output generated by an little endian platforms presumable will be correct regardless of bugs in endian encoding.

The portability layer has some features that are generally important for things like endian handling, and others to provide compatiblity for non-C11 compliant compilers. Together this should support most C compilers around. However, support for compiler other than recent versions of clang and gcc have not been well tested and relies on community feedback.

flatcc is able encode and decode complex flatbuffer structures as is, and there are no big known issues apart from the above. The structure of the common header files are subject to change, notably all functions and macros prefixed with __. The general interface is subject to change based on feedback but it does appear functional as is. The typeless flatcc runtime library should hopefully not change much - it is mostly not user facing but other language exports might want to use it.

There are no plans to make frequent updates once the project becomes stable, but input from the community will always be welcome and included in releases where relevant, especially with respect to testing on different target platforms.

Time / Space / Usability Tradeoff

The priority has been to design an easy to use C builder interface that is reasonably fast, suitable for both servers and embedded devices, but with usability over absolute performance - still the small buffer output rate is measured in millons per second and read access 10-100 millon buffers per second from a rough estimate.

For 100MB buffers with 1000 monsters, dynamically extended monster names, monster vector, and inventory vector, the bandwidth reaches about 2.2GB/s and 45ms/buffer on 2.2GHz Haswell Core i7 CPU. This includes reading back and validating all data. Reading only a few key fields increases bandwidth to 2.7GB/s and 37ms/op. For 10MB buffers bandwidth may be higher but eventually smaller buffers will be hit by call overhead and thus we down to 300MB/s at about 150ns/op encoding small buffers. These numbers are just a rough guideline - they obviously depend on hardware, compiler, and data encoded. Measurements are excluding an ininitial warmup step.

See also benchmark below.

The client C code can avoid almost any kind of allocation to build buffers as a builder stack provides an extensible arena before committing objects - for example appending strings or vectors piecemeal. The stack is mostly bypassed when a complete object can be constructed directly such as a vector from integer array on little endian platforms.

The reader interface should be pretty fast as is with less room for improvement performance wise. It is also much simpler than the builder.

Usability has also been prioritized over smallest possible generated source code and compile time. It shouldn't affect the compiled size by much.

The compiled binary output should be reasonably small for everything but the most restrictive microcontrollers. A 33K monster source test file (in addition to the generated headers and the builder library) results in a less than 50K optimized binary executable file including overhead for printf statements and other support logic, or a 30K object file excluding the builder library.

Read-only binaries are smaller but not necessarily much smaller considering they do less work: The compatibility test reads a pre-generated binary monsterdata_test.golden monster file and verifies that all content is as expected. This results in a 13K optimized binary executable or a 6K object file. The source for this check is 5K excluding header files. Readers do not need to link with a library.

Generated Files

In earlier releases it was attempted to generate all code needed for read-only buffer access. Now a library of include files is always required (include/flatcc) because the original approach lead to excessive code duplication. The generated code for building flatbuffers, and for parsing and printing flatbuffers, all need to link with the runtime library libflatccrt.a, but they are independent of each other, except that the builder depends on the generated reader files. The generated reader only depends on library header files.

The reader and builder rely on generated common reader and builder header files. These common file makes it possible to change the global namespace and redefine basic types (uoffset_t etc.). In the future this might move into library code and use macros for these abstractions and eventually have a set of predefined files for types beyond the standard 32-bit unsigned offset (uoffset_t). The runtime library is specific to one set of type definitions.

Reader code is reasonably straight forward and the generated code is more readable than the builder code because the generated functions headers are not buried in macros. Refer to monster_test.c and the generated files for detailed guidance on use. The monster schema used in this project is a slight adaptation to the original to test some additional edge cases.

For building flatbuffers a separate builder header file is generated per schema. It requires a flatbuffers_common_builder.h file also generated by the compiler and a small runtime library libflatccrt.a. It is because of this requirement that the reader and builder generated code is kept separate. Typical uses can be seen in the monster_test.c file. The builder allows of repeated pushing of content to a vector or a string while a containing table is being updated which simplifies parsing of external formats. It is also possible to build nested buffers in-line - at first this may sound excessive but it is useful when wrapping a union of buffers in a network interface and it ensures proper alignment of all buffer levels.

For verifying flatbuffers, a myschema_verifier.h is generated. It depends on the runtime library but is completely independent of the the generated reader, builder, and common files.

Json parsers and printers generate one file per schema file and included schema will have their own parsers and printers which including parsers and printers will depend upon, rather similar to how builders work.

Low level note: the builder generates all vtables at the end of the buffer instead of ad-hoc in front of each table but otherwise does the same deduplication of vtables. This makes it possible to cluster vtables in hot cache or to make sure all vtables are available when partially transmitting a buffer. This behavior can be disabled by a runtime flag.

Because some use cases may include very constrained embedded devices, the builder library can be customized with an allocator object and a buffer emitter object. The separate emitter ensures a buffer can be constructed without requiring a full buffer to be present in memory at once, if so desired.

The typeless builder library is documented in flatcc_builder.h and flatcc_emitter.h while the generated typed builder api for C is documented in doc/

Using flatcc

Refer to flatcc -h for details.

The compiler can either generate a single header file or headers for all included schema and a common file and with or without support for both reading (default) and writing (-w) flatbuffers. The simplest option is to use (-a) for all and include the myschema_builder.h file.

The (-a) or (-v) also generates a verifier file which only depends on the runtime library (and other verifiers from included schema).

Make sure flatcc under the include folder is visible in the C compilers include path when compiling flatbuffer builders. It is not needed for readers without -DFLATCC_PORTABLE defined.

The flatcc (-I) include path will assume all files with same base name (case insentive) are identical and only include the first. All generated files use the input basename and land in working directory or the path set by (-o).

Note that the binary schema output can be with or without namespace prefixes and the default differs from flatc which strips namespaces. The binary schema can also have a non-standard size field prefixed so multiple schema can be concatenated in a single file if so desired (see also the bfbs2json example).

Files can be generated to stdout using (--stdout). C headers will be ordered and concatenated, but otherwise identical to the separate file output. Each include statement is guarded so this will not lead to missing include files. When including builder logic.

The generated code, especially with all combined with --stdout, may appear large, but only the parts actually used will take space up the the final executable or object file. Modern compilers inline and include only necessary parts of the statically linked builder library.

JSON printer and parser can be generated using the --json flag or --json-printer or json-parser if only one of them is required. There are some certain runtime library compile time flags that can optimize out printing symbolic enums, but these can also be disabled at runtime.


You may jump directly to example source for the monster sample here, or follow the following quickstart which is shorter and based on earlier test code.

After building the flatcc tool (see below), it is located in the bin folder of the flatcc project root and libraries are found in the lib folder.

To write your own schema files please follow the main FlatBuffers project documentation on writing schema files.

The builder interface reference may be useful after studying the monster sample and quickstart below.

Quickstart - reading a buffer

Here we provide a quick example of read-only access to Monster flatbuffer

  • it is an adapted extract of the monster_test.c file.

First we compile the schema read-only with common (-c) support header and we add the recursion because monster_test.fbs includes other files.

flatcc -cr test/monster_test/monster_test.fbs

For simplicity we assume you build an example project in the project root folder, but in praxis you would want to change some paths, for example:

mkdir -p build/example
flatcc -cr -o build/example samples/monster/monster.fbs
cd build/example

We get:


(There is also the simpler samples/monster/monster.fbs but then you won't get included schema files).

Namespaces can be long so we optionally use a macro to manage this.

#include "monster_test_reader.h"

#undef ns
#define ns(x) FLATBUFFERS_WRAP_NAMESPACE(MyGame_Example, x)

int verify_monster(void *buffer)
    ns(Monster_table_t) monster;
    /* This is a read-only reference to a flatbuffer encoded struct. */
    ns(Vec3_struct_t) vec;
    flatbuffers_string_t name;
    size_t offset;

    if (!(monster = ns(Monster_as_root(buffer)))) {
        printf("Monster not available\n");
        return -1;
    if (ns(Monster_hp(monster)) != 80) {
        printf("Health points are not as expected\n");
        return -1;
    if (!(vec = ns(Monster_pos(monster)))) {
        printf("Position is absent\n");
        return -1;

    /* -3.2f is actually -3.20000005 and not -3.2 due to representation loss. */
    if (ns(Vec3_z(vec)) != -3.2f) {
        printf("Position failing on z coordinate\n");
        return -1;

    /* Verify force_align relative to buffer start. */
    offset = (char *)vec - (char *)buffer;
    if (offset & 15) {
        printf("Force align of Vec3 struct not correct\n");
        return -1;

     * If we retrieved the buffer using `flatcc_builder_finalize_aligned_buffer` or
     * `flatcc_builder_get_direct_buffer` the struct should also
     * be aligned without subtracting the buffer.
    if (vec & 15) {
        printf("warning: buffer not aligned in memory\n");

    /* ... */
    return 0;
/* main() {...} */

The above example is not very elegant. For a more complete example of read only buffer access see the reflection bfbs2json example which converts a binary FlatBuffers schema into a JSON file.

Note: the reflection example also shows how to work without name prefixes instead of a namespace macro. It also shows how to sort buffers in-place (advanced).

Quickstart - compiling for read-only

Assuming our above file is monster_example.c the following are a few ways to compile the project for read-only - compilation with runtime library is shown later on.

cc -I include monster_example.c -o monster_example

cc --std=c11 -I include monster_example.c -o monster_example

cc -D FLATCC_PORTABLE -I include monster_example.c -o monster_example

The include path or source path is likely different. Some files in include/flatcc/portable are always used, but the -D FLATCC_PORTABLE flag includes additional files to support compilers lacking c11 features.

Quickstart - building a buffer

Here we provide a very limited example of how to build a buffer - only a few fields are updated. Pleaser refer to monster_test.c and the doc directory for more information.

First we must generate the files:

flatcc -a monster_test.fbs

This produces:


Note: we wouldn't actually do the readonly generation shown earlier unless we only intend to read buffers - the builder generation always generates read acces too.

By including "monster_test_builder.h" all other files are included automatically. The C compiler needs the -I include directive to access flatbuffers/flatcc_builder.h and related.

The verifiers are not required and just created because we lazily chose the -a option.

The builder must be initialized first to set up the runtime environment we need for building buffers efficiently - the builder depends on an emitter object to construct the actual buffer - here we implicitly use the default. Once we have that, we can just consider the builder a handle and focus on the FlatBuffers generated API until we finalize the buffer (i.e. access the result). For non-trivial uses it is recommended to provide a custom emitter and for example emit pages over the network as soon as they complete rather than merging all pages into a single buffer using flatcc_builder_finalize_buffer, or the simplistic flatcc_builder_get_direct_buffer which returns null if the buffer is too large. See also documentation comments in flatcc_builder.h and flatcc_emitter.h.

#include "monster_test_builder.h"

/* See `monster_test.c` for more advanced examples. */
void build_monster(flatcc_builder_t *B)
    ns(Vec3_t *vec);

    /* Here we use a table, but structs can also be roots. */

    ns(Monster_hp_add(B, 80));
    /* The vec struct is zero-initalized. */
    vec = ns(Monster_pos_start(B));
    /* Native endian. */
    vec->x = 1, vec->y = 2, vec->z = -3.2f;
    /* _end call converts to protocol endian format - for LE it is a nop. */

    /* Name is required, or we get an assertion in debug builds. */
    ns(Monster_name_create_str(B, "MyMonster"));


#include "support/hexdump.h"

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    flatcc_builder_t builder;
    void *buffer;
    size_t size;


    /* We could also use `flatcc_builder_finalize_buffer` and free the buffer later. */
    buffer = flatcc_builder_get_direct_buffer(&builder, &size);

    /* Visualize what we got ... */
    hexdump("monster example", buffer, size, stdout);

     * Here we can call `flatcc_builder_reset(&builder) if
     * we wish to build more buffers before deallocating
     * internal memory with `flatcc_builder_clear`.

    return 0;

Compile the example project:

cc --std=c11 -I include monster_example.c lib/libflatccrt.a -o monster_example

Note that the runtime library is required for building buffers, but not for reading them. If it is incovenient to distribute the runtime library for a given target, source files may be used instead. Each feature has its own source file, so not all runtime files are needed for building a buffer:

cc --std=c11 -I include monster_example.c \
    src/runtime/emitter.c src/runtime/builder.c \
    -o monster_example

Other features such as the verifier and the JSON printer and parser would each need a different file in src/runtime. Which file should be obvious from the filenames except that JSON parsing also requires the builder and emitter source files.

Verifying a Buffer

A buffer can be verified to ensure it does not contain any ranges that point outside the the given buffer size, that all data structures are aligned according to the flatbuffer principles, that strings are zero terminated, and that required fields are present.

In the builder example above, we can apply a verifier to the output:

#include "monster_test_builder.h"
#include "monster_test_verifier.h"
int ret;
... finalize
if ((ret = ns(Monster_verify_as_root(buffer, size, "MONS")))) {
    printf("Monster buffer is invalid: %s\n",

Flatbuffers can optionally leave out the identifier, here "MONS". Use a null pointer as identifier argument to ignore any existing identifiers and allow for missing identifiers.

Nested flatbbuffers are always verified with a null identifier, but it may be checked later when accessing the buffer.

The verifier does NOT verify that two datastructures are not overlapping. Sometimes this is indeed valid, such as a DAG (directed acyclic graph) where for example two string references refer to the same string in the buffer. In other cases an attacker may maliciously construct overlapping datastructures such that in-place updates may cause subsequent invalid buffers. Therefore an untrusted buffer should never be updated in-place without first rewriting it to a new buffer.

Note: prior to version 0.2.0, the verifier would fail on 0 and report success on non-zero value. As of 0.2.0, success is indicated by 0, and non-zero yields an error code that can be translated into a string.

The CMake build system has build option to enable assertions in the verifier. This will break debug builds and not usually what is desired, but it can be very useful when debugging why a buffer is invalid.

See also include/flatcc/flatcc_verifier.h.

JSON Parsing and Printing

JSON support files are generated with flatcc --json.

This section is not a tutorial on JSON printing and parsing, it merely covers some non-obvious aspects. The best source to get started quickly is the test file:


For detailed usage, please refer to:


See also JSON parsing section in the Googles FlatBuffers schema documentation.

By using the flatbuffer schema it is possible to generate schema specific JSON printers and parsers. This differs for better and worse from Googles flatc tool which takes a binary schema as input and processes JSON input and output. Here that parser and printer only rely on the flatcc runtime library, is faster (probably significantly so), but requires recompilition when new JSON formats are to be supported - this is not as bad as it sounds - it would for example not be difficult to create a Docker container to process a specific schema in a web server context.

The parser always takes a text buffer as input and produces output according to how the builder object is initialized. The printer has different init functions: one for printing to a file pointer, including stdout, one for printing to a fixed size external buffer, and one for printing to a dynamically growing buffer. The dynamic buffer may be reused between prints via the reset function. See flatcc_json_parser.h for details.

The parser will accept unquoted names (not strings) and trailing commas, i.e. non-strict JSON and also allows for hex \x03 in strings. Strict mode must be enabled by a compile time flag. In addition the parser schema specific symbolic enum values that can optionally be unquoted where a numeric value is expected:

color: Green
color: Color.Green
color: MyGame.Example.Color.Green
color: 2

The symbolic values do not have to be quoted (unless required by runtime or compile time configuration), but can be while numeric values cannot be quoted. If no namespace is provided, like color: Green, the symbol must match the receiving enum type. Any scalar value may receive a symbolic value either in a relative namespace like hp: Color.Green, or an absolute namespace like hp: MyGame.Example.Color.Green, but not hp: Green (since hp in the monster example schema) is not an enum type with a Green value). A namespace is relative to the namespace of the receiving object.

It is also possible to have multiple values, but these always have to be quoted in order to be compatible with Googles flatc tool for Flatbuffers 1.1:

color: "Green Red"

The following is also accepted in flatcc 0.2.0, but subsequent releases only permits it if explicitly enabled at compile time.

color: Green Red

These multi value expressions are originally intended for enums that have the bit flag attribute defined (which Color does have), but this is tricky to process, so therefore any symblic value can be listed in a sequence with or without namespace as appropriate. Because this further causes problems with signed symbols the exact definition is that all symbols are first coerced to the target type (or fail), then added to the target type if not the first this results in:

color: "Green Blue Red Blue"
color: 19

Because Green is 2, Red is 1, Blue is 8 and repeated.

NOTE: Duplicate values should be considered implemention dependent as it cannot be guaranteed that all flatbuffer JSON parsers will handle this the same. It may also be that this implementation will change in the future, for example to use bitwise or when all members and target are of bit flag type.

It is not valid to specify an empty set like:

color: ""

because it might be understood as 0 or the default value, and it does not unquote very well.

The printer will by default print valid json without any spaces and everything quoted. Use the non-strict formatting option (see headers and test examples) to produce pretty printing. It is possibly to disable symbolic enum values using the noenum option.

Only enums will print symbolic values are there is no history of any parsed symbolic values at all. Furthermore, symbolic values are only printed if the stored value maps cleanly to one value, or in the case of bit-flags, cleanly to multiple values. For exmaple if parsing color: Green Red it will print as "color":"Red Green" by default, while color: Green Blue Red Blue will print as color:19.

Both printer and parser are limited to roughly 100 table nesting levels and an additional 100 nested struct depths. This can be changed by configuration flags but must fit in the runtime stack since the operation is recursive descent. Exceedning the limits will result in an error.

Numeric values are coerced to the receiving type. Integer types will fail if the assignment does not fit the target while floating point values may loose precision silently. Integer types never accepts floating point values. Strings only accept strings.

Nested flatbuffers may either by arrays of byte sized integers, or a table or a struct of the target type. See test cases for details.

The parser will by default fail on unknown fields, but these can also be skipped silently with a runtime option.

Unions are difficult to parse. A union is two json fields: a table as usual, and an enum to indicate the type which has the same name with a _type suffix and accepts a numeric or symbolic type code:

  name: "Container Monster", test_type: Monster,
  test: { name: "Contained Monster" }

Because other json processors may sort fields, it is possible to receive the type field after the test field. The parser does not store temporary datastructures. It constructs a flatbuffer directly. This is not possible when the type is late. This is handled by parsing the field as a skipped field on a first pass, followed by a typed back-tracking second pass once the type is known (only the table is parsed twice, but for nested unions this can still expand). Needless to say this slows down parsing. It is an error to provide only the table field or the type field alone, except if the type is NONE or 0 in which case the table is not allowed to be present.

Performance Notes

Note that json parsing and printing is very fast reaching 500MB/s for printing and about 300 MB/s for parsing. Floating point parsing can signficantly skew these numbers. The integer and floating point parsing and printing are handled via support functions in the portable library. In addition the floating point include/flatcc/portable/pgrisu3 library is used unless explicitly disable by a compile time flag. Disabling grisu3 will revert to sprintf and strtod. Grisu3 will fall back to strtod and grisu3 in some rare special cases. Due to the reliance on strtod and because strtod cannot efficiently handle non-zero-terminated buffers, it is recommended to zero terminate buffers. Alternatively, grisu3 can be compiled with a flag that allows errors in conversion. These errors are very small and still correct, but may break some checksums. Allowing for these errors can significantly improve parsing speed and moves the benchmark from below half a million parses to above half a million parses per second on 700 byte json string, on a 2.2 GHz core-i7.

While unquoted strings may sound more efficient due to the compact size, it is actually slower to process. Furthermore, large flatbuffer generated JSON files may compress by a factor 8 using gzip or a factor 4 using LZ4 so this is probably the better place to optimize. For small buffers it may be more efficient to compress flatbuffer binaries, but for large files, json may actually compress significantly better due to the absence of pointers in the format.

SSE 4.2 has been experimentally added, but it the gains are limited because it works best when parsing space, and the space parsing is already fast without SSE 4.2 and because one might just leave out the spaces if in a hurry. For parsing strings, trivial use of SSE 4.2 string scanning doesn't work well becasuse all the escape codes below ASCII 32 must be detected rather than just searching for \ and ". That is not to say there are not gains, they just don't seem worthwhile.

The parser is heavily optimized for 64-bit because it implements an 8-byte wide trie directly in code. It might work well for 32-bit compilers too, but this hasn't been tested. The large trie does put some strain on compile time. Optimizing beyond -O2 leads to too large binaries which offsets any speed gains.

Buffer Identifiers and Schema Roots

The FlatBuffers schema is intended to have a single root object and a single file identifier and extension - but this mostly makes sense for a JSON parser needing to make an automated choice (and flatcc does not read JSON objecs).

In praxis all objects (tables and structs) can be roots. This makes it ambigious as to what identifier an individual object should use as root. flatcc uses the file_identifier last set in the current schema file (ignoring included schema). The identifier is frozen by a define myobject_identifer and myobject_extension so it does not change with different included include schema. There is also a global file_identifier representing the last set schema identifier, and ditto extension. The binary schema code generator uses this to set the identifier and file extension of its output.

Each object created _as_root will automatically use the identifier from its myobject_identifier definition. When an object is read as_root this identifier is checked and will return null or assert in debug. The _as_root call is really a wrapper around first opening or closing a buffer then reading the first object as the given root type. This can be done as two steps and allows detailed control of identifier handling - see for more.

Global Scope and Included Schema

Attributes included in the schema are viewed in a global namespace and each include file adds to this namespace so a schema file can use included attributes without namespace prefixes.

Each included schema will also add types to a global scope until it sees a namespace declaration. An included schema does not inherit the namespace of an including file or an earlier included file, so all schema files starts in the global scope. An included file can, however, see other types previously defined in the global scope. Because include statements always appear first in a schema, this can only be earlier included files, not types from a containing schema.

The generated output for any included schema is indendent of how it was included, but it might not compile without the earlier included files being present and included first. By including the toplevel myschema.h or myschema_builder.h all these dependencies are handled correctly.

Note: libflatcc.a can only parse a single schema when the schema is given as a memory buffer, but can handle the above when given a filename. It is almost possible to simply concatenate schema together to obtain the same effect in memory, but for this to work each schema must be separated by a global scope reset such as an empty namespace;. This is currently not supported.

Required Fields and Duplicate Fields

If a field is required such as, the table end call will assert in debug mode and create incorrect tables in non-debug builds. The assertion may not be easy to decipher as it happens in library code and it will not tell which field is missing.

When reading the name, debug mode will again assert and non-debug builds will return a default value.

Writing the same field twice will also trigger an assertion in debug builds.

Fast Buffers

Buffers can be used for high speed communication by using the ability to create buffers with structs as root. In addition the default emitter supports flatcc_emitter_direct_buffer for small buffers so no extra copy step is required to get a linear buffer in memory. Preliminary measurements suggests there is a limit to how fast this can go (about 6-7 mill. buffers/sec) because the builder object must be reset between buffers which involves zeroing allocated buffers. Small tables with a simple vector achieve roughly half that speed. For really high speed a dedicated builder for structs would be needed. See also monster_test.c.


All types stored in a buffer has a type suffix such as Monster_table_t or Vec3_struct_t (and namespace prefix which we leave out here). These types are read-only pointers into endian encoded data. Enum types are just constants easily grasped from the generated code. Tables are dense so they are never accessed directly.

Structs have a dual purpose because they are also valid types in native format, yet the native reprsention has a slightly different purpose. Thus the convention is that a const pointer to a struct encoded in a flatbuffer has the type Vec3_struct_t where as a writeable pointer to a native struct has the type Vec3_t * or struct Vec3 *.

Union types are just any of a set of possible table types and an enum named as for example Any_union_type_t. There is a compound union type that can store both type and table reference such that create calls can represent unions as a single argument - see flatcc_builder.h and doc/ Union table fields return a pointer of type flatbuffers_generic_table_t which is defined as const void *.

All types have a _vec_t suffix which is a const pointer to the underlying type. For example Monster_table_t has the vector type Monster_vec_t. There is also a non-const variant with suffix _mutable_vec_t which is rarely used. However, it is possible to sort vectors in-place in a buffer, and for this to work, the vector must be cast to mutable first. A vector (or string) type points to the element with index 0 in the buffer, just after the length field, and it may be cast to a native type for direct access with attention to endian encoding. (Note that table_t types do point to the header field unlike vectors.) These types are all for the reader interface. Corresponding types with a _ref_t suffix such as _vec_ref_t are used during the construction of buffers.

Native scalar types are mapped from the FlatBuffers schema type names such as ubyte to uint8_t and so forth. These types also have vector types provided in the common namespace (default flatbuffers_) so a [ubyte] vector has type flatbuffers_uint8_vec_t which is defined as const uint8_t *.

The FlatBuffers boolean type is strictly 8 bits wide so we cannot use or emulate <stdbool.h> where sizeof(bool) is implementation dependent. Therefore flatbuffers_bool_t is defined as uint8_t and used to represent FlatBuffers boolean values and the constants of same type: flatbuffers_true = 1 and flatbuffers_false = 0. Even so, pstdbool.h is available in the include/flatcc/portable directory if bool, true, and false are desired in user code and <stdbool.h> is unavailable.

flatbuffers_string_t is const char * but imply the returned pointer has a length prefix just before the pointer. flatbuffers_string_vec_t is a vector of strings. The flatbufers_string_t type guarantees that a length field is present using flatbuffers_string_len(s) and that the string is zero terminated. It also suggests that it is in utf-8 format according to the FlatBuffers specification, but not checks are done and the flatbuffers_create_string(B, s, n) call explicitly allows for storing embedded null characters and other binary data.

All vector types have operations defined as the typename with _vec_t replaced by _vec_at and _vec_len. For example flatbuffers_uint8_vec_at(inv, 1) or Monster_vec_len(inv). The length or _vec_len will be 0 if the vector is missing whereas _vec_at will assert in debug or behave undefined in release builds following out of bounds access. This also applies to related string operations.


The generated code supports the FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN flag defined by the flatc compiler and it can be used to force endianness. Big Endian will define it as 0. Other endian may lead to unexpected results. In most cases FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN will be defined but in some cases a decision is made in runtime where the flag cannot be defined. This is likely just as fast, but #if FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN can lead to wrong results alone - use #if defined(FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN) && FLATBUFFERS_ENDIAN to be sure the platform is recognized as little endian. The detection logic will set FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN if at all possible and can be improved with the pendian.h file included by the -DFLATCC_PORTABLE.

The user can always define -DFLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN as a compile time option and then this will take precedence.

It is recommended to use flatbuffers_is_native_pe() instead of testing FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN whenever it can be avoided to use the proprocessor for several reasons:

  • if it isn't defined, the source won't compile at all
  • combined with pendian.h it provides endian swapping even without preprocessor detection.
  • it is normally a constant similar to FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN
  • it works even with undefined FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN
  • compiler should optimize out even runtime detection
  • protocol might not always be little endian.
  • it is defined as a macro and can be checked for existence.

pe means protocol endian. This suggests that flatcc output may be used for other protocols in the future, or for variations of flatbuffers. The main reason for this is the generated structs that can be very useful on other predefined network protols in big endian. Each struct has a mystruct_copy_from_pe method and similar to do these conversions. Internally flatcc optimizes struct conversions by testing flatbuffers_is_native_pe() in some heavier struct conversions.

In a few cases it may be relevant to test for FLATBUFFERS_LITTLEENDIAN but then code intended for general use should provide an alternitive for when the flag isn't defined.

Even with correct endian detection, the code may break on platforms where flatbuffers_is_native_pe() is false because the necessary system headers could not found. In this case -DFLATCC_PORTABLE should help.

Offset Sizes and Direction

FlatBuffers use 32-bit uoffset_t and 16-bit voffset_t. soffset_t always has the same size as uoffset_t. These types can be changed by preprocessor defines without regenerating code. However, it is important that libflatccrt.a is compiled with the same types as defined in flatcc_types.h.

uoffset_t currently always point forward like flatc. In retrospect it would probably have simplified buffer constrution if offsets pointed the opposite direction or were allowed to be signed. This is a major change and not likely to happen for reasons of effort and compatibility, but it is worth keeping in mind for a v2.0 of the format.

Vector header fields storing the lengthare defined as uoffset_t which is 32-bit wide by default. If uoffset_t is redefined this will therefore also affect vectors and strings.

The practical buffer size is limited to about half of the uoffset_t range because vtable references are signed which in effect means that buffers are limited to about 2GB by default.

Pitfalls in Error Handling

The builder API often returns a reference or a pointer where null is considered an error or at least a missing object default. However, some operations do not have a meaningful object or value to return. These follow the convention of 0 for success and non-zero for failure. Also, if anything fails, it is not safe to proceed with building a buffer. However, to avoid overheads, there is no hand holding here. On the upside, failures only happen with incorrect use or allocation failure and since the allocator can be customized, it is possible to provide a central error state there or to guarantee no failure will happen depending on use case, assuming the API is otherwise used correctly. By not checking error codes, this logic also optimizes out for better performance.

Sorting and Finding

The builder API does not support sorting due to the complexity of customizable emitters, but the reader API does support sorting so a buffer can be sorted at a later stage. This requires casting a vector to mutable and calling the sort method available for fields with keys.

The sort uses heap sort and can sort a vector in-place without using external memory or recursion. Due to the lack of external memory, the sort is not stable. The corresponding find operation returns the lowest index of any matching key, or flatbuffers_not_found.

When configured in config.h, the flatcc compiler allows multiple keyed fields unlike Googles flatc compiler. This works transparently by providing <table_name>_vec_sort_by_<field_name> and <table_name>_vec_find_by_<field_name> methods for all keyed fields. The first field maps to <table_name>_vec_sort and <table_name>_vec_find. Obviously the chosen find method must match the chosen sort method.

See also doc/ and test/monster_test/monster_test.c.

Null Values

The FlatBuffers format does not fully distinguish between default values and missing or null values but it is possible to force values to be written to the buffer. This is discussed further in the For SQL data roundtrips this may be more important that having compact data.

The _is_present suffix on table access methods can be used to detect if value is present in a vtable, for example Monster_hp_present. Unions return true of the type field is present, even if it holds the value None.

The add methods have corresponding force_add methods for scalar and enum values to force storing the value even if it is default and thus making it detectable by is_present.

Portability Layer

Some aspects of the portablity layer is not required when --std=c11 is defined on a clang compiler where little endian is avaiable and easily detected, or where <endian.h> is available and easily detected. flatbuffers_common_reader.h contains a minimal portability abstraction that also works for some platforms even without C11, e.g. OS-X clang. The portablity file can be included before other headers, or by setting the compile time directives:

cc -D FLATCC_PORTABLE -I include monster_test.c -o monster_test

Also see the top of this file on how to include the actual portability layer when needed. Mandatory aspects of the portability layer are not sensitive to FLATCC_PORTABLE, these will be included as needed.

If a specific platform has been tested, it would be good with feedback and possibly patches to the portability layer so this can be documented for other users.


Unix Build (OS-X, Linux, related)

To initialize and run the build (see required build tools below):


The bin and lib folders will be created with debug and release build products.

The build depends on CMake. By default the Ninja build tool is also required, but alternatively make can be used.

Optionally switch to a different build tool by choosing one of:

scripts/ make
scripts/ make-concurrent
scripts/ ninja

where ninja is the default and make-concurrent is make with the -j flag. A custom build configuration X can be added by adding a scripts/build.cfg.X file.

scripts/ cleans the build if a specific build configuration is given as argument. Without arguments it only ensures that CMake is initialized and is therefore fast to run on subsequent calls. This is used by all test scripts.

To install build tools on OS-X, and build:

brew update
brew install cmake ninja
git clone
cd flatcc

To install build tools on Ubuntu, and build:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cmake ninja-build
git clone
cd flatcc

To install build tools on Centos, and build:

sudo yum group install "Development Tools"
sudo yum install cmake
git clone
cd flatcc
scripts/ make # there is no ninja build tool

OS-X also has a HomeBrew package:

brew update
brew install flatcc

Windows Build (MSVC)

Install CMake, MSVC, and git (tested with MSVC 14 2015).

In PowerShell:

git clone
cd flatcc
mkdir build\MSVC
cd build\MSVC
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 2015" ..\..

Optionally also build from the command line (in build\MSVC):

cmake --build . --target --config Debug
cmake --build . --target --config Release

In Visual Studio:

open flatcc\build\MSVC\FlatCC.sln
build solution
choose Release build configuration menu
rebuild solution

Note that flatcc\CMakeList.txt sets the -DFLATCC_PORTABLE flag and that include\flatcc\portable\pwarnings.h disable certain warnings for warning level -W3.


Unix Files

To distribute the compiled binaries the following files are required:


bin/flatcc              (command line interface to schema compiler)
lib/libflatcc.a         (optional, for linking with schema compiler)
include/flatcc/flatcc.h (optional, header and doc for libflatcc.a)


include/flatcc/**       (runtime header files)
lib/libflatccrt.a       (runtime library)

In addition the runtime library source files may be used instead of libflatccrt.a. This may be handy when packaging the runtime library along with schema specific generated files for a foreign target that is not binary compatible with the host system:


Note that include/support should not be included in a system installation. It is only used by test and sample code, but may be packaged with end user source that chooses to rely upon it, such as benchmark code.

Windows Files

The build products from MSVC are placed in the bin and lib subdirectories:


Runtime include\flatcc directory is distributed like other platforms.

Running Tests on Unix


scripts/ [--no-clean]

NOTE: The test script will clean everything in the build directy before initializing CMake with the chosen or default build configuration, then build Debug and Release builds, and run tests for both.

The script must end with TEST PASSED, or it didn't pass.

To make sure everything works, also run the benchmarks:


Running Tests on Windows

In Visual Studio the test can be run as follows: first build the main project, the right click the RUN_TESTS target and chose build. See the output window for test results.

It is also possible to run tests from the command line after the project has been built:

cd build\MSVC

Note that some tests have been disabled in:


The disabled tests are not working on Windows. These affect custom emitters and JSON printers and parsers, not ordinary FlatBuffer usage.

Be aware that tests copy and generate certain files which are not automatically cleaned by Visual Studio. Close the solution and wipe the MSVC directory, and start over to get a guaranteed clean build.

Please also observe that the file .gitattributes is used to prevent certain files from getting Windows line endings. Using another source control systems might break tests, notably test/flatc_compat/monsterdata_test.golden.

Note: Benchmarks have not been ported to Windows.


The configuration


drives the permitted syntax and semantics of the schema compiler and code generator. These generally default to be compatible with Googles flatc compiler. It also sets things like permitted nesting depth of structs and tables.

The runtime library has a separate configuration file


This file can modify certain aspects of JSON parsing and printing such as disabling the Grisu3 library or requiring that all names in JSON are quoted.

For most users, it should not be relevant to modify these configuration settings. If changes are required, they can be given in the build system - it is not necessary to edit the config files, for example to disable trailing comma in the JSON parser:


Using the Compiler and Builder library

The compiler library libflatcc.a can compile schemas provided in a memory buffer or as a filename. When given as a buffer, the schema cannot contain include statements - these will cause a compile error.

When given a filename the behavior is similar to the commandline flatcc interface, but with more options - see flatcc.h and config/config.h.

The binary schema options are named bgen_... and can be used to choose namespace prefixes or not.

libflatcc.a supports functoins named flatcc_.... reflection... may also be available which are simple the C generated interface for the binary schema. The builder library is also included. These last two interfaces are only present because the library supports binary schema generation.

The standalone libflatcc_builder.a is much smaller and may in fact be linked directly as a single flatcc_builder.c file, optionally also with flatcc_emitter.c. The builder libraries primary funciton is to support the generated C builder wrappers, but it can do more things: for example creating vtables ahead of time and creating tables with a specific vtable. This may be used to create high performance applications. The library is also typeless as the wrappers provide actual types. Therefore dynamic languages can use it to construct flatbuffers on the fly, and the same applies to generic JSON, XML or similar parsers. Of course, some schema is eventually required to understand the generated output but even that might be generated on the fly by a parser or language interface.

The Portable Library

The portable library is placed under include/flatcc/portable and is required by flatcc, but isn't strictly part of the flatcc project. It is intended as an independent light-weight header-only library to deal with compiler and platform variations. It is placed under the flatcc include path to simplify flatcc runtime distribution and to avoid name and versioning conflicts if used by other projects.

The portably library includes the essential parts of the grisu3 library found in external/grisu3, but excludes the test cases.

The license of portable is different from flatcc. It is mostly MIT or Apache depending on the original source of the various parts.


Benchmarks are defined for raw C structs, Googles flatc generated C++ and the flatcc compilers C ouput.

These can be run with:


and requires a C++ compiler installed - the benchmark for flatcc alone can be run with:


this only requires a system C compiler (cc) to be installed (and flatcc's build environment).

A summary for OS-X 2.2 GHz Haswell core-i7 is found below. Generated files for OS-X and Ubuntu are found in the benchmark folder.

The benchmarks use the same schema and dataset as Google FPL's FlatBuffers benchmark.

In summary, 1 million iterations runs at about 500-540MB/s at 620-700 ns/op encoding buffers and 29-34ns/op traversing buffers. flatc and flatcc are close enough in performance for it not to matter much. flatcc is a bit faster encoding but it is likely due to less memory allocation. Throughput and time per operatin are of course very specific to this test case.

Generated JSON parser/printer shown below, for flatcc only but for OS-X and Linux.

operation: flatbench for raw C structs encode (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.055 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 312 (bytes)
bandwidth: 5665.517 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 18158707.100
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 18.159
time per op: 55.070 (ns)

operation: flatbench for raw C structs decode/traverse (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.012 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 312 (bytes)
bandwidth: 25978.351 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 83263946.711
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 83.264
time per op: 12.010 (ns)

operation: flatc for C++ encode (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.702 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 344 (bytes)
bandwidth: 490.304 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 1425301.380
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 1.425
time per op: 701.606 (ns)

operation: flatc for C++ decode/traverse (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.029 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 344 (bytes)
bandwidth: 11917.134 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 34642832.398
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 34.643
time per op: 28.866 (ns)

operation: flatcc for C encode (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.626 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 336 (bytes)
bandwidth: 536.678 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 1597255.277
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 1.597
time per op: 626.074 (ns)

operation: flatcc for C decode/traverse (optimized)

elapsed time: 0.029 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 336 (bytes)
bandwidth: 11726.930 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 34901577.551
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 34.902
time per op: 28.652 (ns)

JSON benchmark

Note: this benchmark is only available for flatcc. It uses the exact same data set as above.

The benchmark uses Grisu3 floating point parsing and printing algorithm with exact fallback to strtod/sprintf when the algorithm fails to be exact. Better performance can be gained by enabling inexact Grisu3 and SSE 4.2 in build options, but likely not worthwhile in praxis.

operation: flatcc json parser and printer for C encode (optimized)

(encode means printing from existing binary buffer to JSON)

elapsed time: 1.407 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 722 (bytes)
bandwidth: 513.068 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 710619.931
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 0.711
time per op: 1.407 (us)

operation: flatcc json parser and printer for C decode/traverse (optimized)

(decode/traverse means parsing json to flatbuffer binary and calculating checksum)

elapsed time: 2.218 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 722 (bytes)
bandwidth: 325.448 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 450758.672
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 0.451
time per op: 2.218 (us)

JSON parsing and printing on same hardware in Virtual Box Ubuntu

Numbers for Linux included because parsing is significantly faster.

operation: flatcc json parser and printer for C encode (optimized)

elapsed time: 1.210 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 722 (bytes)
bandwidth: 596.609 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 826328.137
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 0.826
time per op: 1.210 (us)

operation: flatcc json parser and printer for C decode/traverse

elapsed time: 1.772 (s)
iterations: 1000000
size: 722 (bytes)
bandwidth: 407.372 (MB/s)
throughput in ops per sec: 564227.736
throughput in 1M ops per sec: 0.564
time per op: 1.772 (us)


FlatBuffers Compiler and Library in C for C







No packages published


  • C 92.3%
  • C++ 5.1%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • CMake 1.3%