simulation for my BEP to create acoastic position calibration for microphone array's
The simulations consist out of:
- TOA2d.m
- TOA3d.m
The k-wave library is used to simulate an audio wave in an air medium to generate information. The 2d has 2 array's in the middle with a random number of sources surrounding it to generate audio waves for further process
The 3d simulation has a square array with a single source to perform beamforming and reverberation
The beamforming consist out of:
- delayCalculation.m
- beamForming.m
delayCalculation.m is a function which accept a linear array as input and calcuates the angle delay array at a specific frequency
beaforming.m peforms phase shift to obtain the original signal on which optimalisation can be performed.
To conclude a the final position a optimalisation problem is solved in optimalisation.m which conclused in a set of coordinates
The final result will be different coordinate set in a different frame. transformation.m will find intersection of microphones in both sets and use SVD to generate a rotation and transformation matrix to transform all sets into a common frame.