Release date: 05-Jun-2015
Updated to MOXy 2.6
Jersey has updated version of MOXy (XML/JSON provider) to version 2.6. Among some bug fixes there are other notable changes (some of them breaking) that you should be aware of:
Redesign of type property in JSON processing - Special handling of JSON
property is deprecated. If there is need to identify type of JSON object - due to missing root element or some special inheritance requirements, it is necessary to specify fully qualified type property withhttp://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance
Promoted Public Beta APIs
Several experimental Jersey APIs have matured enough and as such we have decided to promote them from Beta status, namely:
Jersey Reactive Client API. Also Reactive Client moved from incubator to extension (umbrella) module.
Jersey client-side ClientLifecycleListener SPI.
Jersey server-side ContainerLifecycleListener SPI.
Jersey server-side (MVC) @ErrorTemplate annotation.
Jersey test framework (client-side) LoopBackConnectorProvider connector.
Jersey test framework (server-side) ContainerRequestBuilder class.
These APIs are now part of the official public Jersey 2.x API.
- [JERSEY-2140] - Update MOXy to 2.5.2
- [JERSEY-2624] - Docs and jersey-spring3 POM not aligned
- [JERSEY-2688] - Memory leak with the shutdown hooks queue when changing the state of a unique client for each requests
- [JERSEY-2691] - freemarker-webapp example does not work when running as a WAR
- [JERSEY-2730] - Calling AsyncResponse.resume(Throwable) with null hangs up the service
- [JERSEY-2772] - Tomcat memory leak on undeploy
- [JERSEY-2786] - Memory leak with shutdown hooks, caused by configuration inheritance
- [JERSEY-2794] - Aborted multipart upload leaves non-empty MIME*.tmp tempfile behind
- [JERSEY-2812] - Thread not released when Jersey configured as a filter
- [JERSEY-2819] - ServletContainer hangs on startup - infinite loop
- [JERSEY-2824] - ObjectGraphImpl throwing NullPointerException when role entity has an abstract method implementation returning a custom object
- [JERSEY-2837] - GrizzlyConnector can cause Jersey to return premature end stream
- [JERSEY-2850] - GrizzlyHttpContainer throws exception if query string contains '\'
- [JERSEY-705] - Ability to share a single web server across multiple tests
- [JERSEY-2805] - Allow JerseyTest to create client with non-default ClientBuilder
- [JERSEY-2818] - RolesAllowedDynamicFeature can return 401 or 403 errors.
- [JERSEY-2863] - Declarative linking should use uriInfo to fill Links
- [JERSEY-2867] - Apache HTTP client connection manager sharing