The objective of this repo is to help developers to use Macbook more efficiently and comfortably. Feel free to add more tips and tricks.
- Producitivity Application(Highly recommend): Alfred
- Terminal: Iterm2
- Lightweight Text Editor: Sublime Text 2/3
- Desktop application size controller: Shiftit
- Keep screen active: Caffeine
- Application Manager: brew
- Web-dev browser: Google Chrome
- IDE: VScode
- unix basics
- keyboard shortcuts in unix terminal
- 'control + C' will halt the current execution
- 'control + U' will remove the current line in terminal
- 'control + W' will remove one word in the current line
- 'esc + B' will move backward one word in the current line
- 'esc + F' will move forward one word in the current line
- automator-services and global keyboard shortcuts
- lock screen easily using Alfred
- open files/folders quickly using Alfred
- set alias in the shell profile
- highlighted shell: zsh + oh my zsh (shell script that does this)
- Text inputing: command + ←/→ can quickly move cursor to the left or the right
- Quick tab switch in browser (for Safari): 'shift + command + ←/→' moves the left/right tab
- Quick tab switch in browser (for Chrome): 'option + command + ←/→' moves the left/right tab
- Quick tab switch in browser (Tested on Safari and Chrome): 'command + numbers (ranges from 1 to 9)'
- Open development console in browser: 'option + command + i'
- Minimize application window: 'command + m'
- use Time Machine as backup
- use Airdrop to share files between Mac users