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PETs Prize Challenge Runtime

U.S. PETs Prize Challenge U.K. PETs Prize Challenge build Python 3.9.13

If you haven't already done so, please start by reading the documentation on the challenge websites:

Welcome to the runtime repository for the PETs Prize Challenge! This repository contains the source code for the runtime container image used to run code submissions in Phase 2 of the challenge.

This repository has three primary uses for competitors:

  1. πŸ’‘ Example solutions: You can find simple examples that demonstrate how to write code that works with the evaluation.
  2. πŸ”§ Test your submission: Test your submission with a locally running version of the container to discover errors before submitting to the competition site.
  3. πŸ“¦ Request new packages in the official runtime: Since the Docker container will not have network access, all dependencies must be pre-installed. If you want to use a package that is not in the runtime environment, make a pull request to this repository.

Change notes on updates can be found in


First, make sure you have the prerequisites prepared.

  • A clone of this repository
  • At least 4 GB of free disk space for the container image
  • Docker installed
  • GNU make (optional, but useful for running commands in the Makefile)


This repository contains a data/ directory. When running commands to test your solution locally, contents of this directory will be mounted to the launched Docker container. This allows you to do local evaluation using the challenge's development data.

The data/ directory has been prepopulated with some example directory scaffolding to copy the data into. It should look like this:

β”œβ”€β”€ fincrime/
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ centralized/
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test/
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └── data.json
β”‚   β”‚   └── train/
β”‚   β”‚       └── data.json
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ scenario01/
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test/
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ bank01/
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ partitions.json
β”‚   β”‚   β”‚   └── swift/
β”‚   β”‚   └── train/
β”‚   β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ bank01/
β”‚   β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ partitions.json
β”‚   β”‚       └── swift/
β”‚   └── scenarios.txt
└── pandemic/
    β”œβ”€β”€ centralized/
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test/
    β”‚   β”‚   └── data.json
    β”‚   └── train/
    β”‚       └── data.json
    β”œβ”€β”€ scenario01/
    β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ test/
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ client01/
    β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ client02/
    β”‚   β”‚   └── partitions.json
    β”‚   └── train/
    β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ client01/
    β”‚       β”œβ”€β”€ client02/
    β”‚       └── partitions.json
    └── scenarios.txt

Here is an explanation to help you understand this directory structure:

  • Data for the two tracks are split between subdirectories data/fincrime/ and data/pandemic/.
  • Federated:
    • Each track's subdirectory has a scenarios.txt file. This is a newline-delimited file that lists partioning scenarios. The evaluation runner will loop through the scenarios present here. In the real evaluation runtime, there will be three scenarios defined. In the example provided here, there is one partitioning scenario named scenario01 for each track.
    • Each scenario has a corresponding subdirectory (e.g., data/fincrime/scenario01/).
    • Inside the scenario directory, you will see train/ and test/ subdirectories. These will contain data for the respective stages.
    • Inside the train/ or test/ subdirectory, you will see a few things:
      • partitions.json is a JSON configuration file that lists each client in the scenario and paths to that client's data partition files. The top level key is the partition/client ID (cid in the simulation code). The inner JSON object lists the data filenames that will be provided to your client factory function. You will notice that the inner object's keys should match the argument names in the client factory signature. (Docs for Track A; Track B)
      • Subdirectories for each data partition/client. The directory names should match the client IDs found in partitions.json. The simulation code will expect to find data files in each of these subdirectories matching the filenames in partitions.json. (You will need to copy your development data into here.)
      • In the test/{cid}/ subdirectories, there will also be predictions_format.csv files. These will help you write your predictions in the correct format. Paths to these files will be provided to your test client factory function. You will need to populate these for local testing. See the fincrime-partitioning-example.ipynb or pandemic-partitioning-example.ipynb example notebooks on the data download page for more information on the federated versions of these files.
  • Centralized:
    • Each track's subdirectory also contains a centralized/ subdirectory (e.g., data/fincrime/centralized/). This will contain data for centralized evaluation.
    • Like with the federated scenarios, the centralized directory contains train/ and test/ subdirectories.
    • Inside the train or test subdirectory, you will see a data.json. This is a JSON configuration file that lists the data files that the training/test code will have access to. The keys should match the argument names of the data paths provided to your fit or predict functions (Docs for Track A; Track B).
    • The evaluation code will expect to find data files alongside data.json that match the filenames in data.json. (You will need to copy your development data into here.)
    • The evaluation code also expects to find a test/predictions_format.csv. This will help you write your predictions in the correct format. A path to this file will be provided to your predict function. You can download the full centralized version of the predictions_format.csv file for the development dataset on the data download page for your track.

In order to run evaluation locally, you will need to copy the development dataset into this directory structure. First, download the development datasets from the challenge data download page. Then, you will need to copy data files into either the client subdirectories for federated data matching the filenames in partitions.json, or into the train/ or test/ subdirectories matching the filenames in data.json. You will additionally need a predictions_format.csv file in the test/ subdirectories.

For the federated data, it is up to you to partition the development data before copying it into the data directory. See the fincrime-partitioning-example.ipynb or pandemic-partitioning-example.ipynb notebooks provided on your track's data download page.

If you have additional questions, please ask on the challenge forum.

Example Solutions

We provide examples of simplistic models to demonstrate what a working submission looks like.

These examples are meant to demonstrate working code that conforms to the API specifications and can run through evaluation simulation. They do not implement meaningful machine learning models or any privacy techniques.

Developing your own submission


This section provides instructions on how to develop and run your code submission locally using the Docker container. To make things simpler, key processes are already defined in the Makefile. Commands from the Makefile are then run with make {command_name}. The basic steps will look like:

make pull
SUBMISSION_TRACK=fincrime make pack-submission
SUBMISSION_TRACK=fincrime SUBMISSION_TYPE=federated make test-submission

Note that many of the commands use the SUBMISSION_TRACK and SUBMISSION_TYPE variables. This repository is used for both tracks and both federated and centralized solutions. You will need to set these variables as appropriate to what you are trying to test. You may find it useful to set one or both as shell or environment variables to avoid needing to repeat it. You may also choose to set SUBMISSION_TRACK at the top of your copy of the Makefile if your team is only working on one track.

  • SUBMISSION_TRACK has valid values of fincrime or pandemic
  • SUBMISSION_TYPE has valid values of federated or centralized

Let's walk through what you'll need to do, step-by-step.

  1. Set up the prerequisites

  2. Set up development data for testing

  3. Download the official challenge Docker image:

    make pull
  4. βš™οΈ Save all of your submission files, including the required module or module, in the submission_src/fincrime or submission_src/pandemic directory of this repository for whichever track you are working in.

    • You are free to modify the templates we've provided or copy in your own. Keep in mind that you
    • Splitting your code up among additional modules is fine, as long as you have a or that follows the requirements (Track A; Track B).
    • Keep in mind that dependencies need to be in the present in the built image. A number of packages are already includedβ€”see environment-cpu.yml and environment-gpu.yml for what is present. If there are other packages you'd like added, see the section below on updating runtime packages.
    • Finally, make sure any model weights or other files you need are also saved in submission_src.
  5. Create a submission/ file containing your code:

    SUBMISSION_TRACK=fincrime make pack-submission
    # or
    SUBMISSION_TRACK=pandemic make pack-submission
  6. Test your submission by launching an instance of the challenge Docker image, simulating the same evaluation process as official code execution runtime.

    # One of:
    SUBMISSION_TRACK=fincrime SUBMISSION_TYPE=federated make test-submission
    SUBMISSION_TRACK=fincrime SUBMISSION_TYPE=centralized make test-submission
    SUBMISSION_TRACK=pandemic SUBMISSION_TYPE=federated make test-submission
    SUBMISSION_TRACK=pandemic SUBMISSION_TYPE=centralized make test-submission

    This will mount the requisite host directories on the Docker container, unzip submission/ into the container, and then execute the evaluation for the specified track and solution type.

⚠️ Remember that for local testing purposes, the code_execution/data directory is just a mounted version of what you have saved locally in this project's data directory. You should use development data files for local testing. For the official code execution when submitted through the platform, code_execution/data will contain the sequestered evaluation data that no participants have access to.


When you run make test-submission, the logs will both be printed to the terminal and written out to submission/log.txt. If you run into errors, use the log.txt to determine what changes you need to make for your code to execute successfully. You are also encouraged to add logger statements to your own codeβ€”we recommend the loguru package, which is available in the runtime environment.

Additional information

Runtime network access

In the real competition runtime, all internet access is blocked. The local test runtime does not impose the same network restrictions. It's up to you to make sure that your code doesn't make requests to any web resources.

You can test your submission without internet access by running BLOCK_INTERNET=true make test-submission.


The make commands will try to select the CPU or GPU image automatically by setting the CPU_OR_GPU variable based on whether make detects nvidia-smi.

You can explicitly set the CPU_OR_GPU variable by prefixing the command with:

CPU_OR_GPU=cpu <command>

If you have nvidia-smi and a CUDA version other than 11, you will need to explicitly set make test-submission to run on CPU rather than GPU. make will automatically select the GPU image because you have access to GPU, but it will fail because make test-submission requires CUDA version 11.

CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make pull
CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make test-submission

If you want to try using the GPU image on your machine but you don't have a GPU device that can be recognized, you can use SKIP_GPU=true. This will invoke docker without the --gpus all argument.

Updating runtime packages

If you want to use a package that is not in the environment, you are welcome to make a pull request to this repository. If you're new to the GitHub contribution workflow, check out this guide by GitHub. The runtime manages dependencies using conda environments. Here is a good general guide to conda environments. The official runtime uses Python 3.9.13 environments.

Note: Since package installations need to be approved, be sure to submit any PRs requesting installation by January 11, 2023 to ensure they are incorporated in time for you to make a successful submission.

To submit a pull request for a new package:

  1. Fork this repository.

  2. Edit the conda environment YAML files, runtime/environment-cpu.yml and runtime/environment-gpu.yml. There are two ways to add a requirement:

    • Add an entry to the dependencies section. This installs from a conda channel using conda install. Conda performs robust dependency resolution with other packages in the dependencies section, so we can avoid package version conflicts.
    • Add an entry to the pip section. This installs from PyPI using pip, and is an option for packages that are not available in a conda channel.

    If a package is available through both managers, conda is preferred. For both methods be sure to include a version, e.g., numpy==1.20.3. This ensures that all environments will be the same.

  3. Locally test that the Docker image builds successfully for CPU and GPU images:

    CPU_OR_GPU=cpu make build
    CPU_OR_GPU=gpu make build
  4. Commit the changes to your forked repository.

  5. Open a pull request from your branch to the main branch of this repository. Navigate to the Pull requests tab in this repository, and click the "New pull request" button. For more detailed instructions, check out GitHub's help page.

  6. Once you open the pull request, Github Actions will automatically try building the Docker images with your changes and running the tests in runtime/tests. These tests can take up to 30 minutes, and may take longer if your build is queued behind others. You will see a section on the pull request page that shows the status of the tests and links to the logs.

  7. You may be asked to submit revisions to your pull request if the tests fail or if a DrivenData team member has feedback. Pull requests won't be merged until all tests pass and the team has reviewed and approved the changes.

Make commands

Running make at the terminal will tell you all the commands available in the repository:

Settings based on your machine:
SUBMISSION_IMAGE=f6961d910a89   # ID of the image that will be used when running test-submission

Available competition images:
drivendata/belugas-competition:cpu-local (f6961d910a89); drivendata/pets-prize:gpu-local (916b2fbc2308);

Available commands:

build               Builds the container locally
clean               Delete temporary Python cache and bytecode files
interact-container  Start your locally built container and open a bash shell within the running container; same as submission setup except has network access
pack-example        Creates a submission/ file for one of the examples from the source code in examples_src
pack-submission     Creates a submission/ file from the source code in submission_src
pull                Pulls the official container from Azure Container Registry
test-container      Ensures that your locally built container can import all the Python packages successfully when it runs
test-submission     Runs container using code from `submission/` and data from `data/`

Good luck and have fun!

Enjoy the competition, and visit the forums if you have any questions!


Evaluation runtime for Phase 2 of the U.S. PETs Prize Challenge






No releases published


No packages published


  • Python 84.7%
  • Makefile 6.7%
  • Shell 5.0%
  • Dockerfile 3.6%