Fasmart is a simple ecommerce application used for shopping variety of products. FastmartBackend is the backend code repository for it.
Java, Spring boot 2.6, Spring data MongoDB, Spring Security, JWT token authentication, Thymeleaf template engine, Java Mail Server Google Guava, Heroku.
- Database - A free cloud instance database from https://cloud.mongodb.com/ shared cluster
- Update your secrets in
- Rename the file
- Run the SpringBootApplication using your IDE
bootstraps the app automatically with starter products present instarter-products.json
This application is hosted on Heroku platform. Secrets are managed using Heroku's config vars. Check src/main/resources/application-heroku.properties
This dockerized application is now hosted on https://render.com/, secrets are passed as environment variables to the docker image
- Creating Admin user and developing Admin access specific APIs
- Admin should be able to add/update products
- Admin should be able to list and search users
- Bootstrapping Admin and service account creation
- Managing secrets.