This is a simple Python script that allows to copy files from one S3 Bucket to another preserving the Public ACL.
- Python 3
- AWS Boto3 [-h] [-K KEY] [-S SECRET] [-s BUCKET] [-d BUCKET] [-P PROFILE] [--dryrun] [--list] [--get-policy] [--skip-existing]
Option | Description |
-h, --help | Show help message and exit |
-K KEY, --key KEY | AWS access key id, this has precedence over --profile option. |
-S SECRET, --secret SECRET | AWS secret acces key. |
-s BUCKET, --src BUCKET | Source S3 bucket name. |
-d BUCKET, --dst BUCKET | Destination S3 bucket name. |
-P PROFILE, --profile PROFILE | AWS profile to use. |
--dryrun | Displays the operations that would be performed using the specified command without actually running them. |
--list | Only lists files in source and/or destination bucket(s). |
--get-policy | Prints out the policy required in the source bucket to allow the copy across AWS accounts. |
--skip-existing | Skips existing key names, does not check that files are the same. |
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