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Remotipart: Rails jQuery File Uploads

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Remotipart is a Ruby on Rails gem enabling AJAX file uploads with jQuery in Rails 5 remote forms.

This gem augments the native Rails jQuery remote form functionality enabling asynchronous file uploads with little to no modification to your application.


Put this in your Gemfile :

git_source(:github){ |repo_name| "{repo_name}.git" }

gem 'remotipart', github: 'jbox-web/remotipart', tag: '1.6.0'

then run bundle install.


  • For multipart / forms with file inputs, set your form_for to remote as you would for a normal ajax form : remote: true
  • When Javascript is enabled in the user's browser, the form, including the file, will be submitted asynchronously to your controller with : format: 'js'

If you need to determine if a particular request was made via a remotipart-enabled form :

  • from your Rails controller or view :
if remotipart_submitted?
  • from your javascript :
  $(form).bind("ajax:success", function(){
    if ($(this).data('remotipartSubmitted')) {

If you want to be notified when the upload is complete (which can be either success or error)

  • from your javascript :
  $(form).on("ajax:remotipartComplete", function(e, data){
    console.log(e, data)


sample_layout.html.erb :

<%= form_for @sample, html: { multipart: true }, remote: true do |f| %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :file %>
    <%= f.file_field :file %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

sample_controller.rb :

def create
  respond_to do |format|

create.js.erb :

// Display a Javascript alert
<% if remotipart_submitted? %>
  alert('submitted via remotipart')
<% else %>
  alert('submitted via native jquery-ujs')
<% end %>

The content type requested from the application can be overridden via the data-type HTML5 attribute:

sample_layout2.html.erb :

<%= form_for @sample, html: { multipart: true }, remote: true, data: { type: :html } do |f| %>
  <div class="field">
    <%= f.label :file %>
    <%= f.file_field :file %>
  <div class="actions">
    <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

In this case, the application should serve HTML using a create.html.erb template instead of JavaScript.