Releases: jbsouthe/appd-etl-export-tool
bug fixs and security updates
- some bugs were fixed in casting overflow on really large requests for data
- moved from apache digester to jaxp for config file parsing (security scans were hitting on the old digester required libs)
Please let me know in an issue if any problems are found, the latest docker image is updated as well to v1.14
Now with a max duration of data to query configuration
The default settings are shown:
<Scheduler enabled="false">
- enabled=false causes the Scheduler to exit after one run, true is the default, when this option is missing.
- PollIntervalMinutes 60, if enabled, causes the Scheduler to sleep for 60 minutes and run again, continuously
- FirstRunHistoricNumberOfDays 2, causes the extract to default in pulling the last 48 hours of data for a given query, if no previous run is detected in the control table, specified in the database section later
- MaxNumberOfDaysToQueryAtATime 14, forces the run to only pull a maximum of 14 days of data at a time, this means it will always have work to do grabbing 14 days of data each scheduled interval until caught up.
- ControllerThreads 50, the number of threads to run pulling data from the controllers concurrently
- DatabaseThreads 50, the number of worker threads watching the data queue to insert into the database
- ConfigurationRefreshEveryHours 12, after this many hours, all the applications with the configuration setting to pull all metrics, will refresh the metrics in case new ones are registered since start.
Now with a command parser and data management
Added data managmenet and a command parser to the utility.
Data Consistence Assurance Release
Many subtle changes to help ensure that the data exported is in line with exactly what a user would get from our analytics queries:
- Set a delay timestamp on the end time for a query to -5 minutes so we can allow agents->controller->data store time to sync really slow data ingestion
- Retry a failed data load later in the scheduler, rather than reporting the error an abandoning the entire load
- Added a wire trace debug option to print the HTTP request and response entirely
- Printing GC configuration for some troubleshooting and tuning in the future, kubernetes is non intuitive in jvm ergonomics (thank you Bruno Borges)
- Updated README to include recommended java options for kubernetes deployment.
We have a couple of open issues that will begin to be worked for the next release, please keep the feedback coming.
Thanks, John
v1.9 scroll on large data export
This release adds the scroll fallback when analytics data is truncated, and fixed an encoding issue when special spanish characters are used in the analytics query. Also some optimizations in the analytics data load to the database. No longer downloading all data before starting database inserts.
As always, please create issues for anything that needs attention. Many people are using this now, and I may start refactoring the database sections to be easier to maintain. I wasn't sure what this would look like when I started, and I now regret some of that code.
Thanks, John
Now with regex support for app names! yay.
v1.7 release
most up to date release to match the docker image.
Now with MS SQL Support
Added and cleaned up MS SQL Server support, with updated docker image as well
v1.2 now with PostgreSQL support
new release, with postgresql database support
v1.1 now with MySQL support
Added MySQL support as a new DB store, this should be more popular than the others, i assume.