Grace Armfield: InfluxDB (influx_db)
Connor Guerin: ClickhouseDB (clickhouse_db)
Jun Chen: TimescaleDB and Generating Data (timescale_db, generate_data)
For the Generating the Data, we ran in locally on a Windows 10 which had python version 3.10.1.
We used Miniconda download from here Create an environment with name of choice, here we call timescale
conda create --name timescale
Activate the environment with
conda activate timescale
On the local machine, we freeze the environment which the dependencies are in requirements.txt.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set Path ("D:\a_timeseries") to where to download the CSV files to which is at the code of
options.set_preference("", r"D:\a_timeseries")
Or you can comment out the lines 31 and 33 which will download to your default Download directory. We have the line 31 and 33 currently commented out which would download to your default Download directory set in the browser.
In the generate_data folder, we have constituents_csv.csv which contains the Symbols and Names of S&P 500 companies that were downloaded from
Then, we have a file name done.csv is in the generate_data folder which have the list of symbols which has already been parsed that is output by the to make sure if a error occurs we don't redo the symbols that have already been parsed.
In the generate_data folder path run:
In the below image, we see that the conda environment as time2, with the command "python" ran, which shows that if the company has been parsed, the company symbol, company name, and company sector will be printed out in the screen. "pass signx" is printed which means that the ad pop-up exit logic is not needed for that specific companies page.
In the image below, shows FireFox browser with the Yahoo Finance page with A. O. Smith Corporation (AOS) which the Download button will be click by the scraper to download all the known data for that company in which the year that it was added to the public market.
If Download to a default directory from the, we have to move the files a separate directory which only contains the CSV files, for us, we move the file into the folder in our github repository call stock_data.
After we get the data, we have to add the Symbol column to the CSV file because the file only contains Date, Open, High, Low, Close, Adj Close, Volume columns.
To add the symbol column, we run the which will parse the CSV file as pandas dataframe and add the symbol from the filename that was extracted. Because download file names are named after their unique Symbol like A.csv which the Symbol will be A. Currently we have the file path set to stock_data folder and the after processing, it will replace the file in the stock_data folder.
Before the running the add symbol column, the data does not have the Symbol column shown below.
After running add symbol column, the data will add the symbol column to the end of the data frame shown below in the csv file.
The data that we used is in the stock_data folder which the files are A.csv, ALLE.csv, AAL.csv, AAP.csv, ABBV.csv, ABC.csv, ACN.csv, ADBE.csv, ADI.csv, ADM.csv are used.
Use any of the AWS AMI for TimescaleDB EC2 instance, I used the Ubuntu 22, Timescale 2.8. The instance that was used was is shown in the image below.
I selected the t2.micro instance type for the workload 1 and workload 2. Then I launched the instance with default settings and download the key for SSH.
Connecting to the EC2 Instance is done by clicking on the Connect button on the EC2 dashboard. which will show the image below by an example instance which uses the SSH with the key that is generated when launching the instance:
Furthermore, you can SSH into the EC2 instance on command line by following
Below image shows copying the command from Connect to EC2 page with the .pem key file.
After ssh we want to go to the config directory for PostgreSQL which is /etc/postgresql/12/main/.
cd /etc/postgresql/14/main/
As root user, in postgresql.conf, change "listen_addresses = '*'". You can use sudo nano to change the file.
sudo nano postgresql.conf
Any IP Address that is connecting to the EC2 needs to be added which also includes the EC2 IP address that is hosting the TimescaleDB. Also, certain versions of Ubuntu doesn't support scram-sha-256, so you have to change to md5. These edits will happen in pg_hba.conf.
Thus, in pg_hba.conf, add 'host all all "IP-Address / 32" md5' for all things connecting to the EC2.
For example, if I am EC2 instance I am using as client with IP as and the current EC2 IP address as then the below image will be what the final file will be.
sudo nano pg_hba.conf
We also will have to enable md5 in postgresql.conf and restart the postgresql service.
Run sudo service postgresql restart to restart anytime you might have error or change configurations.
sudo service postgresql restart
Next we want to switch to the postgres user:
sudo -u postgres -s
Run psql then use ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD 'newPassword'; to set a password. You have to be in the postgres user in bash not the Ubuntu Root.
ALTER USER postgres PASSWORD '123';
We can run timescaledb-tune to tune for the VM which needs to run as root user, to exit postgres user, 'exit' command.
sudo timescaledb-tune
We can just press yes for everything.
Run sudo service postgresql restart to restart anytime you might have error or change configurations.
sudo service postgresql restart
We changed the max_locks_per_transaction in postgresql.conf from 64 to 1024 and restart postgresql.
max_locks_per_transaction = 1024
Shown in the image below.
In AWS EC2: create a security group for PostgreSQL, allowing inbound port 5432 for the EC2. Here is a tutorial:
This will log you into postgres user of PostgreSQL with password at port 5432 at code level.
Run sudo service postgresql restart to restart anytime you might have error or change configurations.
sudo service postgresql restart
For TimescaleDB Client, a different EC2 was used. For ClickhouseDB and InfluxDB, the client was ran on the same EC2 as the database.
The client was setup with EC2 Instance type of m5a.8xlarge.
First we had install python3 , pip3, git, postgresql-devel and gcc.
sudo yum install python3-devel pip3 gcc git postgresql-devel
Then we install Miniconda. Install Miniconda or Anaconda on EC2 and Create Conda Environment. Here is Miniconda: . Here's is Anaconda:
The miniconda is installed in "/home/ec2-user/miniconda3" location. Enter Yes to install. Close the Terminal and reconnect and reopen another terminal to have the changes to take affect.
Create a conda environment name "client" and activate the "client".
conda create --name client
conda activate client
Git clone this repository and install the requirements.txt
git clone
cd timeseries_db
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
There maybe version errors with numpy and pandas which you can edit the requirements.txt to have to dependency version in them such as numpy being 1.21.6 and pandas being 1.3.5
Run all the workloads , this will run all the workloads for timescaledb. May have to comment off workloads as the EC2 instance maybe timeout connection when connecting with another EC2 instance.
You will have to change the password to the password and change the host to the IP address of the EC2 which has the database. You have to have the security group of the EC2 setup to default port 5432. If our password is 123, we will have password="123", and if the EC2 IP address of the Database is, then host="". Change the password="123", host="", in the ThreadedConnectionPool around line 140-143 as necessary.
For the the workloads, we run them on the command line with their workload id as comman line argument:
Workload Ids:
11: Workload 1 is Data Rows Divided by num_workers
12: Workload 1 call Normal Load Data, Using all the stocks data, divided by batches of 1000, 5000,10000 at a time and send them with 1, 5, 10, 20 threads
2: Workload 2
3: Workload 3
4: Workload 4
To Run the Client:
python3 <Workload ID>
To run workload 1 with Data Rows Divided by num_workers, we do
python3 11
To run workload 1 with Normal Load Data, we do
python3 12
To run workload 2:
python3 2
To drop the table:
python3 5
After running the workloads, the data statistics for the runs are saves as timescaleDB_loadStats.csv for load data statistics and timescaleDB_queryStats.csv for query workload statistics. These files are cleared whenever another run begins.
Statistic column names are
NumWorkers: Number of threads or clients
Batch_Size: Load Size for each thread or client
TotalMetrics: Total number of columns
MetricsPerSec: Number of columns loaded per second
RowsPerSec: Number of rows loaded per second
TotalRows: Total Rows Loaded
TimeStamp: Timestamp
Try: Attempt Number for Load
Latency: Latency for Load
QueryNum: Query Number
Workload: Workload Number
MinLatency: Min Latency
MaxLatency: Max Latency
MedianLatency: Median latency
MeanLatency: Mean Latency
StdLatency: Standard Deviation for Latency
Workloads 1 and Workload 2 were run in the t2.micro EC2 instance.
Workload 1 has the csv column format as NumWorkers, Batch_Size, TotalMetrics, MetricsPerSec, RowsPerSec, TotalRows, TimeStamp, Try, Latency .
Workload 2 has csv column format as Workload, QueryNum, NumWorkers, MinLatency, MaxLatency, MedianLatency, MeanLatency, StdLatency, TimeStamp
The CSV file generated for Workload 1 has format as below:
1,2269,18152.0,3221.5484616943386,402.6935577117923,2269.0,2022-12-11 17:01:14.667044,1,5.634557485580444
5,453,18152.0,3118.989435543048,389.873679442881,2269.0,2022-12-11 17:01:20.811056,1,5.819833755493164
10,226,18152.0,3088.634208701189,386.0792760876486,2269.0,2022-12-11 17:01:27.031985,1,5.877031326293945
The CSV file generated for Workload 2, Workload 3 and Workload 4 has format as below:
2,1,1,0.001255035400390625,0.006853342056274414,0.0012691020965576172,0.0024042129516601562,0.0024876331650966472,2022-12-11 17:48:40.548154
2,2,1,0.004071712493896484,0.005887508392333984,0.004404783248901367,0.00460505485534668,0.0007409026615084305,2022-12-11 17:48:40.856240
RowsPerSec were used for Workload 1 comparisons and MeanLatency was used for Workloads 2, 3, and 4 comparison.
Workloads 3 and Workload 4 were run in the t2.xlarge EC2 instance. The setup for t2.xlarge is same as setting up for the EC2 for Database from above.
Both workload 3 and workload 4 have same column format as workload 2 as Workload, QueryNum, NumWorkers, MinLatency, MaxLatency, MedianLatency, MeanLatency, StdLatency, TimeStamp .
A tool that was used was DBeaver for TimescaleDB which when you click new connect connection, you can select TimescaleDB.
Below are the connection parameters used for a custom IP address with authentication method selected as private key which is the .pem file downloaded with the EC2 creation.
You have to add the local IP address to the pg_hba.conf in the configurations of the database in EC2.
Below are the connection parameters used for a custom IP address with Host as the IP address and Port set to the default 5432, username and password are needed from the postgreSQL.
Add ClickHouse repo
sudo bash -c "echo 'deb main/' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/clickhouse.list"
Add key and update repolist
sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv E0C56BD4 # optional
sudo apt-get update
Install binaries
sudo apt-get install -y clickhouse-client clickhouse-server
More details on how to get started with ClickHouse is available here
Ensure ClickHouse is running
sudo service clickhouse-server restart
Install the clickhouse-driver python package
pip install clickhouse-driver
If you need to install pip on EC2, instructions can be found here:
The data loading script requires arguments for number of workers to use and csv file to load. Due to column names requiring no spaces, ensure that the "Adj Close" column is reformatted as "Adj_Close" in your input csv. Output metrics are printed to the console.
python3 [number of workers] [data csv]
All other workloads are contained in a single script. You must specify how many workers to use. Output metrics are printed to the console.
python3 [number of workers]
Use the AWS AMI
sudo dpkg -i influxdb2-2.5.1-xxx.deb
sudo service influxdb start
sudo service influxdb status
influx setup
Go to http://localhost:8086
And create the following buckets: 'one_stock' 'five_stock' 'all_stock' 'mini1000' 'mini5000' 'mini10000'
All workloads are included in the script, the metrics are saved to three csv files in the ./influx_db directory.