UPDATE - apparently this script also works with CGMiner due to their shared implementation of RPC. I may have to rename this thing.
This is a simple Python Script to take data from the BFGMiner and/or CGMiner RPC and send it to the MobileMiner Apps' REST API. For more info on the MobileMiner suite of Monitoring and Control Apps, check out http://www.mobileminerapp.com/
Right now this script only posts data to the API for monitoring and does not allow for remote Miner control. It is currently set for a time-interval of 30 seconds between POSTs to the API. This is configurable from within the script.
Thanks to Nate Woolls - author of MultiMiner and the MobileMiner Apps for IOS and Android, & soon Windows Mobile
Parts are originally derived from Christian Berendt's api-example.py for BFGMiner for the BFGMiner RPC Portion of the script.