‘Predictive decider’ for actors making decisions over multiple stages
Clone the project to your computer using git.
Make sure that the main branch is activated.
Open a julia REPL. It is recommended to use a IDE such as VSCode or Atom, as the results from the model are currently not saved in a separate file.
Navigate to .\Predicer using the
command.julia> cd("./Predicer)
to open the package manager in julia, and typeactivate .
to activate the local Julia environment.(Predicer) pkg> activate .
Press backspace to exit the package manager
using Pkg
followed byPkg.instantiate()
to install the required packages. This can take a while.julia> using Pkg julia> Pkg.instantiate()
Finally type
using Predicer
to use the package.
Navigate to the local folder containing the Predicer package.
to open the package manager in julia, and typeactivate .
to activate the local Julia environment.(Predicer) pkg> activate .
Press backspace to exit the package manager
using Predicer
to use the package.julia> using Predicer
To generate a model based on a input data file (in the example an Excel file located under
) use thePredicer.generate_model(fpath)
function, where the parameter 'fpath' is the path to the input data file. The 'generate_model()' function imports the input data from the defined location, and build a model around it. The function returns two values, a "model contents" (mc) dictionary containing the built optimization model, as well as used expressions, indices and constraints for debugging. The other return value is the input data on which the optimization model is built on.julia> mc, input_data = Predicer.generate_model(fpath)
Or if using the example input data file
julia> mc, input_data = Predicer.generate_model(joinpath(pwd(), "input_data\\input_data.xlsx"))
solves the modelmc
, and shows the solver output.julia> Predicer.solve_model(mc)
The resulting bid matrix can be exported to a .xlsx file under
by using thePredicer.write_bid_matrix()
functionjulia> Predicer.write_bid_matrix(mc, input_data)
A simple example model simple, imaginary energy system is documented here. The input data file of the example model can be found under /input_data/example_model.xlsx. The system contains natural gas, electricity and heat, and electricity and electricity reserve products are sold on an external market m. The example model contains two possible scenarios for input data, s1 and s2, with equal probabilities of occurring (0.5). The data used for prices, heat demand, capacity factors, etc. is randomly generated.
The modelled system consists of three main nodes: ng, symbolizing a node containing natural gas, elc symbolizing a node containing electricity, and heat, a node containing heat, such as a district heating system. The ng node is a commodity node, from which natural gas can be bought at a price defined in the price sheet. The heat node has a negative inflow added to it, which can be seen as a heat demand in the system. The elc node is connected to a market node m, npe, from which electricity can be bought or sold.
Processes are used to convert or transfer energy between nodes in the modelled system. The process windturb symbolizes a wind turbine producing electricity to the elc node. The production of windturb is limited by a capacity factor time series, defined in the cf sheet. The process ngchp converts natural gas from the ng node into electricity to the elc node and heat to the heat node at a fixed ratio, which is defined in the constraint and gen_constraint sheets. The heatpump unit convert electricity from the elc node into heat in the heat node. When the market m is defined, a process for trading between elc and m is automatically generated.
The constraint to define the operation of the ngchp process is setup in the constraints and gen_constraint sheets. The flat efficiency of the ngchp process is set to 0.9, including both heat and power. The maximum capacity of the natural gas input is set to 10, the heat is 6, and the electricity is 3. ngchp should produce electricity and heat at a 1:2 ratio. To achieve this, constraint called ngchp_c1 is defined in the sheet constraints.
The reserve products res_up and res_down are sold in the elc node. The processes ngchp and heatpump are used to offer reserve capacity.
Basic structure of the example model.
name | operator | is_setpoint | penalty |
ngchp_c1 | eq | 0 | 0 |
Further, the factors for the constraint are defined in the gen_constraint sheet. The operator of the created constraint is eq, meaning equal. The sum of the factors (the process branches elc and heat multiplied by given constants) and a given constant should equal 0. With a 1:2 ratio of electricity and heat production, the constants given to the process flows should be -2 and 1, or 2 and -1, for electricity and heat respectively. This can be seen in the table below, where the factors and constraints are defined for s1. The factors have to be defined again for s2.
t | ngchp_c1,ngchp,elc,s1 | ngchp_c1,ngchp,heat,s1 | ngchp_c1,s1 |
t1 | -2 | 1 | 0 |
t2 | -2 | 1 | 0 |
tn | -2 | 1 | 0 |
The basic parameters and usage of the excel-format input data are described here. The input data has to be given to Predicer in a specific form, and the excel-format input data files are not a requirement. Excel has been used during development, since they were considered more convenient than databases or other forms of data structures.
Nodes are fundamental building blocks in Predicer, along with Processes.
Parameter | Type | Description |
node | String | Name of the node |
is_commodity | Bool | Indicates if the node is a commodity node |
is_state | Bool | Indicates if the node has a state (storage) |
is_res | Bool | Indicates if the node is involved in reserve markets |
is_market | Bool | Indicates if the node is a market node |
is_inflow | Bool | Indicates if the node has an inflow |
state_max | Float | Storage state capacity (if node has a state) |
in_max | Float | Storage state charge capacity |
out_max | Float | Storage state discharge capacity |
initial_state | Float | Initial state of the storage |
state_loss_proportional | Float | Hourly storage loss relative to the state of the storage |
residual_value | Float | Value of the storage contents at the end of the time range |
Processes are fundamental building blocks in Predicer, along with Nodes. They are used to convert or transfer electricity or heat, or etc. between nodes in the modelled system.
Parameter | Type | Description |
process | String | Name of the process |
is_cf | Bool | Indicates if the process is limited by a capacity factor time series |
is_cf_fix | Bool | Indicates if the process has to match the capacity factor time series |
is_online | Bool | Indicates if the process is an online/offline unit |
is_res | Bool | Indicates if the process participates in reserve markets |
conversion | Integer | Indicates the type of the process. 1 = unit based process, 2 = transfer process, 3 = market process |
eff | Float | Process efficiency (total output / total input) |
load_min | Float | Minimum load of the process as a fraction of total capacity. Only for online processes |
load_max | Float | Maximum load of the process as a fraction of total capacity. Only for online processes |
start_cost | Float | Cost of starting the unit, only for online processes. |
min_online | Float | Minimum time the process has to be online after start up |
min_offline | Float | Minimum time the process has to be offline during shut down |
max_online | Float | Maximum time the process can be online |
max_offline | Float | Maximum time the process can be offline |
initial_state | Bool | Initial state of the online unit (0 = offline, 1 = online) |
Process topologies are used to define the process flows and capacities in the modelled system. Flows are connections between nodes and processes, and are used to balance the modelled system.
Parameter | Type | Description |
process | String | Name of the process |
source_sink | String | Determines whether the connection node is a source or a sink for the process |
node | String | Name of the connection node |
capacity | Float | Capacity of the connection |
VOM_cost | Float | Variable operational and maintenance cost of using the corresponding process flow |
ramp_up | Float | Determines the hourly upward ramp rate of the corresponding process flow |
ramp_down | Float | Determines the hourly downward ramp rate of the corresponding process flow |
Unit-based processes can have a flat efficiency, as defined in the processes sheet, or an efficiency which depends on the load of the process. Load-based efficiency can be defined in the sheet efficiencies. Defining an efficiency in the efficiencies sheet overrides the value given in the processes sheet. The efficiency of a process is defined on two rows; one row for the operating point, op, and one row for the corresponding efficiency, eff. In the example table below, the efficiency of an imaginary gas turbine gas_turb has been defined for four load intervals. The number of given operating points and corresponding efficiencies is chosen by the user, simply by adding or removing columns The operating points are defined on a row, where the first column has the value process,op, and the efficiencies are defined on a row where the value of the first column is process,eff.
process | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 |
gas_turb,op | 0.4 | 0.6 | 0.8 | 1.0 |
gas_turb,eff | 0.27 | 0.31 | 0.33 | 0.34 |
The sheet reserve_type is used to define the types of reserve used in the model, mainly differing based on reserve activation speed.
Parameter | Type | Description |
type | String | Name of the reserve type |
ramp_factor | Float | Ramp rate factor of reserve activation speed. (If reserve has to activate in 1 hour, ramp_factor is 1.0. In 15 minutes, ramp_factor is 4) |
Markets are a type of node, with which the modelled system can be balanced by buying or selling of a product such as electricity. Markets can either be of the energy type, or of the reserve type.
Parameter | Type | Description |
market | String | Name of the market |
type | String | type of the market (energy or reserve) |
node | String | Node the market is connected to |
direction | String | Direction of the market, only for reserve markets |
realisation | Float | Determines the fraction of offered reserve product that activates each time step |
reserve_type | String | Determines the type of the reserve |
is_bid | Bool | Determines if bids can be offered to the market |
is_limited | Bool | Determines if reserve markets are limited |
min_bid | Float | Minimum reserve offer if limited |
max_bid | Float | Maximum reserve offer if limited |
fee | Float | Reserve participation fee (per time period) if limited |
Time series are used in Predicer to represent parameters that are time-dependent. The notation to define time series data in the excel input files depend on the time series data in question.
The sheet timeseries contains the timesteps used in the model. This sheet contains only one column t, with the given time steps.
The first column, t, should contain the time steps for the time series data. The following columns (2-n) should contain the values corresponding to the given time steps. The name of the other columns should start with the name of the linked entity, usually followed by which scenario the value is for. The values can be defined for each scenario in separate columns, or a single column can be used for several scenarios, separated by commas. The notation used for the different time series is given in the table below.
As an example the inflow for the node nn can be given as nn,s1 if the values are given for scenario s1, and nn,s1,s2 if the given values should be for both s1 and s2. If all scenarios should have the same values, they can be defined as nn,ALL.
Sheet | Description | Notation |
cf | Capacity factor time series for processes with cf functionality | process, scenario(s) |
inflow | Inflow time series for nodes (inflow positive value, demand negative value) | node, scenario(s) |
price | Price time series for the cost of using commodity nodes | node, scenario(s) |
market_prices | Price time series for the defined markets | market, scenario(s) |
balance_prices | Price time series for balance markets | market, direction, scenario(s) |
fixed_ts | Value time series for setting market volumes to a fixed value | market |
eff_ts | Value time series of the efficiency of processes | process, scenariox(s) |
cap_ts | Value time series limiting a flow of a process | Process, connected node, scenario |
The scenarios in Predicer are separate versions of the future, with potentially differing parameter values. Predicer optimizes the optimal course of action, based on the probability of the defined scenarios.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the scenario |
probability | Float | Probability of the scenario. The sum of all rows should be 1 |
The risk sheet in the excel-format input data contains information about the CVaR (conditional value at risk). For details, see [1] and [2]
Risk parameter | Description |
alfa | Risk quantile |
beta | Share of CVaR in objective function |
Inflow blocks, or simply blocks, are potential flexibility which can be modelled with Predicer. A block has generally been thought of as "if a demand response action is taken on time t by reducing/increasing inflow to node n by amount x, how must the system compensate on times- t-1, t-2.. or t+1, t+2...", or "if the heating for a building is turned off on time t, what has to be done in the following hours to compensate?". The blocks can thus be seen as a potential for flexibility, and how the system has to be compensated as a consequence of using the potential.
Each block consists of a binary variable, consequent timesteps, and a constant value for each timestep. Each block is linked to a specific node, as well as a specific scenario. Despite being called "Inflow blocks", they can be linked to nodes without any inflow as well. Node inflow is modelled for each timestep and scenario as the given value in the inflow sheet. The product of the block binary variable value and the given constant is added to the inflow for relevant combinations of node, scenario and timestep. Two active blocks cannot overlap in the same node, time and scenario. The user can define any number of blocks for the same time, but only one can be active for a specific node, scenario and timestep.
Inflow blocks are defined in the inflow_blocks sheet. The first column of the sheet is named t, and is not used in the model itself. Each block is defined using two columns for each scenario; one column with the timesteps and one column with the corresponding constant values. The first row of the first column is of the form blockname, nodename, scenario, and the second column is blockname, scenario. It is important, that these columns have an equal amount of rows. The columns for different blocks or different scenarios can have different amount of rows.
As an example, assume there are two blocks, b1 and b2. The blocks should be defined to the inflow_blocks sheet as following:
t | b1, n1, s1 | b1, s1 | b1, n1, s2 | b1, s2 | b2, n2, s1 | b2, s1 |
1 | 20.4.2022 1:00 | 6 | 20.4.2022 3:00 | 4 | 20.4.2022 6:00 | -3 |
2 | 20.4.2022 2:00 | -3 | 20.4.2022 4:00 | -2 | 20.4.2022 7:00 | 2 |
3 | 20.4.2022 3:00 | -2 | 20.4.2022 5:00 | -2 | 20.4.2022 8:00 | 1 |
4 | 20.4.2022 4:00 | -1 | 20.4.2022 9:00 | 1 |
As with the generic constraints described below, the validity of the user input is not checked. The user should thus ensure, that the node linked to the block can handle the change in inflow, especially in nodes with either only consumers or producer. If a block causes a change in the sign of the inflow (- to +, or + to -), the results may be unpredictable. As an example, using a block causing a positive flow of heat into a district heating node without any way to remove the heat would result in high penalty costs, and the model would thus not use the block.
General constraints in Predicer can be used to limit or fix process flow variables, online variables, or storage state variables in relation to other variables or a given value. The name and type of the constraint is defined in the sheet constraints, and the factors are defined in the sheet gen_constraint.
Parameter | Type | Description |
name | String | Name of the general constraint |
operator | String | The operator used in the general constraint. eq for =, gt for > and lt for < |
is_setpoint | Bool | Indicates whether the constraint is fixed, or if the model can deviate from the value. |
penalty | Float | A user-defined penalty for deviating from the givenn value, if constraint is a setpoint. |
The user can define additional constraints to the Predicer model, making it more flexible. Genral constraints are a powerful tool for customizing the model, but can also cause problems that are difficult to detect and solve. The user can either add "rigid" constraints, essentially defining a value or a range of values from which a variable or a sum of variables cannot deviate. Normal general constraints are applicable for flow, state and online variables.
The user can also define so-called "setpoint" constraints, in which the optimizer can deviate from the values defined by the user. Deviation from the values defined in the setpoint constraints adds and additional cost to the model. The setpoint constraints are only applicable for state and flow variables, not online variables.
The time series data in the sheet gen_constraint has a special notation. As with other time series data, the first column t in the sheet gen_constraint contains the time steps for the constraint. The rest of the columns (2-n) contain information corresponding to specific constraints, defined in the sheet constraint.
"rigid" general constraints contain factors, which add up to a constant. The notation for the first row of columns (2-n) depends on the type of variable the factor refers to. For process flow variables, v_flow, the notation is constraint name, process, process flow, scenario. For process online variables, v_online, the notation is constraint name, process, scenario. For storage state variables, v_state, the notation is constraint name, node, scenario. Each constraint can also have a constant value added, with the notation constraint name, scenario for the column. For "setpoint" constraints, only one column of factors can be defined, as per the previously mentioned notation.
As an example of a normal general constraint, assume a CHP gas turbine gt with a input flow of natural gas ng, as well as outputs of electricity elc and heat in the form of exhaust gases heat. Assume, that the ratio of heat and power should be 3:1, meaning an electrical efficiency of 25%, and the remaining 75% being heat. To ensure this ratio, a general constraint named gt_c1 is defined in the sheet constraint, with the operator set to eq.
name | operator | is_setpoint | penalty |
gt_c1 | eq | 0 | 0 |
In the sheet gen_constraint, the names of the columns referencing to the factors should be gt_c1,gt,heat,s1 and gt_c1,gt,elc,s1. This refers to the constraint gt_c1, the process gt, and the process flows heat and elc. The name of the column referencing to the constant should be gt_c1,s1. As the sum of the factors equal the constant, the value of the factors should be 3 or -3 for the factor representing the electricity flow, and -1 or 1, respectively, for the factor representing the heat flow. The value of the constant should be 0. As the sum of the factors equal the constant, it would lead to 3 * elc - 1 * heat = 0 or alternatively -3 * elc + 1 * heat = 0.
t | gt_c1,gt,elc,s1 | gt_c1,gt,heat,s1 | gt_c1,s1 |
t1 | 3 | -1 | 0 |
t2 | 3 | -1 | 0 |
tn | 3 | -1 | 0 |
As another example, assume that the operation of two online processes, proc_1 and proc_2, should be limited in regard to eachother. Assume, that the constraint c_online is used to limit the online variables v_online of these processes so, that the processes are not operating at the same time, but that one of the two is always active. The variable v_online is a binary variable with values of 0 or 1. The sum of the online variables of proc_1 and proc_2 should be set to 1, in order to one, but not two, of the processes to be active. As the general constraint is set equal to 0, the addiotional constant should be set to -1. This ensures, that proc_1 + proc_2 - 1 == 0.
t | c_online,proc_1,s1 | c_online,proc_1,s1 | c_online,s1 |
t1 | 1 | 1 | -1 |
t2 | 1 | 1 | -1 |
tn | 1 | 1 | -1 |
If both the processes should be either online or offline at the same time, the coefficients for one process should be 1, and the other should be -1, weith the constant set to 0. This would result in the constraint proc_1 - proc_2 + 0 == 0.
As an example of a setpoint general constraint, assume the value of the electricity, elc, production of the process gas_turb has to be between 3 and 8. To do this, two setpoint constraints are defined, c_up and c_dw, for defining an upper and lower boundary for the process flow. As above, the constraints are defined in the gen_constraint sheet. The operator for c_up should be st (= smaller than), and the operator for c_dw should be gt (=greater than). Both constraints are defined as setpoint constraints, with a deviation penalty of 100. The unit of the penalty is simply per iunit of variable, meaning a variable deviation of 2 would increase the costs in the model with 200.
name | operator | is_setpoint | penalty |
c_up | st | 1 | 100 |
c_dw | gt | 1 | 100 |
In the constraint sheet, the values for the upper and lower boundaries are defined. The constraints c_up is the upper boundary, and a value of 8 is given. For c_dw, a value of 3 is defined. With these constraints, the electricity production of gas_turb has to be between 3 and 8. Any deviation from this range will result in a penalty of 100 for each unit of production exceeding this range.
t | c_up,gas_turb,elc,s1 | c_dw,gas_turb,elc,s1 |
t1 | 8 | 3 |
t2 | 8 | 3 |
tn | 8 | 3 |
[1] Krokhmal, P., Uryasev, S., and Palmquist, J., “Portfolio optimization with conditional value-at-risk objective and constraints,” J. Risk, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 43–68, 2001, doi: 10.21314/jor.2002.057.
[2] Fleten, S. E. and Kristoffersen, T. K., “Stochastic programming for optimizing bidding strategies of a Nordic hydropower producer,” Eur. J. Oper. Res., vol. 181, no. 2, pp. 916–928, 2007, doi: 10.1016/j.ejor.2006.08.023.