A simple bot for https://www.typeracer.com/ made for fun. The account it runs on: https://data.typeracer.com/pit/profile?user=thetyperacerbot
Just run
python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python typeracer_setup.py
python typeracer_bot.py
uses the Selenium WebDriver to access TypeRacer.
It looks at the text on the page and types it into the input box.
Captchas on this particular website are quite annoying and difficult to deal with (that is their entire point).
first pre-processes the image by removing the black lines over the captcha, then it solves the captcha using Tesseract. Tesseract reaches an acurracy of about 80%-90% most of the time, so don't expect the captcha to be solved immediately. It may take some time.