Custom ReactJs hook- HTML to image NPM
npm install --save jeoffydev-html-to-image
npm config set legacy-peer-deps true
npm install --save jeoffydev-html-to-image
import * as React from 'react'
import { useHtmlToImage } from "jeoffydev-html-to-image";
const Example = () => {
const [htmlToImageStatus, setDownloadImage] = useHtmlToImage();
//Get the ID element of your html
const id = 'elemID';
return (
{ htmlToImageStatus ? 'Downloading...' : '' }
<div id={id} style={{width: '200px', textAlign:'center', color:'black', backgroundColor: '#e5e5e5', padding: '20px'}}><strong>Elements new</strong></div>
<button onClick={()=>setDownloadImage(id)} > Download Screenshot </button>
version 16+
Keywords are jeoffydev, html-to-image
This package uses html2canvas to generate image