A private android app that I use for my home tablet, which I hang on the wall.
- Clock
- Weather
- Pet feeding
- PTV tram timetable
- Ring doorbell support (sort of)
- Link with Hue lights
- Barcode scanner to add items to shopping list
- Notifications when we need to bring items upstairs
- Calendar
- Vacuum
This app was really made for myself, and won't be much use to you. I also haven't worked in android in a long time, so any source code is going to be rushed and hacky. But, if you would like to pull the code down...
Create a private configuration under /app/src/main/java/net/jeremycasey/homemonitor/private/config.kt
// Open weather map keys
// https://openweathermap.org/api
val cityId = "2158177"
val apiKey = "abcdef12345"
val units = "metric"
// PTV api keys
// https://www.ptv.vic.gov.au/footer/data-and-reporting/datasets/ptv-timetable-api/
val ptvDevId = "123456"
val ptvApiKey = "00000000-aaaa-bbbb-cccc-dddddddddddd"
val ptvWatchedStops = listOf(
routeColor = Color(0xfff58023),
routeId = 111,
stopId = 222,
routeType = RouteType.tram,
directionId = 3
// ...
val ptvWatchPeriods = listOf(
WatchPeriod(4, LocalTime(8, 0), LocalTime(9, 30)),
// ...
// Message board config
val messageBoardItems = mapOf<String, MessageItemConfig>(
"baby_supplies" to MessageItemConfig(
code = "baby_supplies",
type = "supplies",
message = "Baby stock up required",
imageResource = R.drawable.message_board_baby_supplies,
// Philips Hue lights
val hueHostAddress = ""
val hueUsername = "abcdef1234" // get from here: https://developers.meethue.com/develop/get-started-2/
val hueGroupIds = arrayOf("1", "5", "4")
// The background will match whatever colour these lights are set to
val mainGroupId = "1"
// Roomba vacumm
// Run the `getpassword` script here: https://github.com/koalazak/dorita980
val roombaBlid = "12ABC456"
val roombaPassword = ":1:1rsteincyu238903"
val roombaAddress = ""
// Home Assistant
val homeAssistantHostAddress = ""
val homeAssistantAccessToken = "abcdef1234" // get from http://homeassistant.local:8123/profile under "Long-Lived Access Tokens"
val homeAssistantTvOnScriptName = "executa_hisense_turn_on" // Set up in the scripts.yml file in Home Assistant, https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/script/
val homeAssistantTvOffScriptName = "executa_hisense_turn_off" // Set up in the scripts.yml file in Home Assistant, https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/script/
You'll need the Rapid Ring app installed.
Once you've installed this HomeMonitor app, go to the system Settings -> Apps and Notifications -> Special app access -> Notification access, and ensure that the Home Monitor app is checked.
To post items on the message board, you'll need to send an android intent with the following info:
Action: net.jeremycasey.homemonitor.POST_MESSAGE
- Key:
- Value: To match the value in your private
Target: Activity
I've done this by ordering some Flic smart buttons, which allows you to link the button to android intents.
Typical use case, I'm upstairs, I run out of nappies, so I press the smart button, and it will show a reminder on the monitor downstairs to bring them up.