simple thread pool library for c++
see sample directory
MyClass myclass; //has member function : void MyThreadWork1(), void MyThreadWork2(int,int,int)
void MyThreadWork() ; //free function
KoThreadPool tpool;
//tpool.InitThreadPool(4); //explicit thread worker count
tpool.SetWaitingCnt(3); //set total work count
//assign your work.
std::function<void()> temp_func1 = std::bind( &MyClass::MyThreadWork1, &myclass) ;
tpool.AssignTask(temp_func1 ) ;
std::function<void()> temp_func2 = std::bind( &MyClass::MyThreadWork2, &myclass,1,1,1) ;
tpool.AssignTask(temp_func2 ) ;
std::function<void()> temp_func3 = std::bind( &MyThreadWork ) ;
tpool.AssignTask(temp_func3 ) ;
//wait all 3 works done.
//or you can call "Terminate(true)" here to exit program.
tpool.WaitAllWorkDone(); // --> blocking call.
//At the end of the program, exit the thread pool.
tpool.Terminate(); //graceful terminate : wait until all work done
//tpool.Terminate(true); // terminate immediately