0.2.0 (2023-10-25)
✨ Features ✨
add nodeselector to pod overrides (123f169 )
add tolerations to pod overrides (4290b19 )
java-sdk: create java sdk (745b299 )
move API source to agents projects [breaking change] (c307c02 )
operator: add built-in autoscaling to fleets (#112 ) (1dc72a1 )
server-agent: add explicit api-version in paper yml (5ab4147 )
🐛 Bug Fixes 🐛
correctly update proxy service annotations (40db68b )
deps: manual bump (#128 ) (7d9dbdf )
deps: update dependency net.kyori:adventure-api to v4.14.0 (#137 ) (8cea5eb )
deps: update dependency net.kyori:adventure-platform-bungeecord to v4.3.0 (#138 ) (293d43d )
deps: update dependency net.kyori:adventure-platform-bungeecord to v4.3.1 (#145 ) (e5e2c84 )
deps: update dependency to v1.20-r0.1 (#139 ) (355db1e )
deps: update fabric8-kubernetes-client monorepo to v6.8.1 (#140 ) (47704cf )
deps: update fabric8-kubernetes-client monorepo to v6.9.0 (#168 ) (62b1517 )
listen and update correctly the resources (e69d3de )
shulker-crds: use native default system whenever possible (#153 ) (2f89a51 )
📚 Documentation 📚
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