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Diego Smania edited this page Sep 25, 2024 · 16 revisions


To use the main blade template provided by this package, just create a new blade file and extend the provided AdminLTE layout with @extends('adminlte::page'). The blade template yields some sections that are classified into two groups:

  • main: Yielded sections that are commonly used when extending the layout.
  • misc: Yielded sections that are useful for covering uncommon cases or particular situations.
Section Type Description
title main To fill the content of the <title> tag, to define the title of the document that is shown in the browser page's tab
content_header main To fill the header element of the page (will be placed above the main content)
content main To fill all of the main content of the page
footer main To fill the content of the footer section
right_sidebar main To fill the content of the right sidebar (or control sidebar)
css main To add extra style sheets (inside the <head> tag)
js main To add extra scripts or javascript code (just before the closing </body> tag)
adminlte_css_pre misc To add custom style sheets before the style sheets required by AdminLTE
content_top_nav_left misc To add custom elements in the left section of the top navbar.
content_top_nav_right misc To add custom elements in the right section of the top navbar.
meta_tags misc To add extra meta tags inside the <head> tag
preloader misc To allow the replacement of the preloader animation default content. Requires package version v3.9.5 or greater and the preloader animation enabled by configuration
usermenu_header misc To allow the replacement of the header in the usermenu dropdown by a custom version. Requires an authentication scaffolding and the usermenu enabled by configuration
usermenu_body misc To add a custom body element into the usermenu dropdown. Requires an authentication scaffolding and the usermenu enabled by configuration


The right_sidebar section was named right-sidebar before version v3.14.0. So be sure to use the correct name depending on the package version you're using.

All the previously described sections are optional. As a basic example, your most common blade file extending the provided template could look like the following one:


@section('title', 'Dashboard')


    <p>Welcome to this beautiful admin panel.</p>

    {{-- Add here extra stylesheets --}}
    {{-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/admin_custom.css"> --}}

    <script> console.log("Hi, I'm using the Laravel-AdminLTE package!"); </script>


On a fresh Laravel installation, and after installing this package, you can replace the resources/views/welcome.blade.php file with the previous code for a fast template review.

Now, and as usual, you just return this view from a controller. It's a recommendation to check out AdminLTE v3 to find out how to build beautiful content for your admin panel. As a preview, the next image shows what you can get with the previous blade file definition:


Screenshot was taken from package version v3.9.4.


More over, this package also provides defaults template views for login and register pages, which can be used with @extends('adminlte::auth.login') and @extends('adminlte::auth.register'). Read the Authentication Views documentation for more details.

Tabbed IFrame Mode


The Tabbed IFrame mode is only available from version v3.7.0 of this package.

The IFrame mode provides the functionality to open the sidebar and top navbar links in a tabbed iframe view. You can try this feature on the AdminLTE demo site to see what you can get. To use the IFrame mode, you should define your main/welcome/root view as just:

@extends('adminlte::page', ['iFrameEnabled' => true])

The documentation of the configuration options available for this mode can be found on IFrame Mode Configuration. Please, note that all the other blade views of your application should be defined as explained before with the @extends('adminlte::page') sentence and just the main entry view should be defined as explained before. Take next image as an example of what you will get:



The previous image was obtained from a fresh Laravel installation (after installing this package), by just replacing the resources/views/welcome.blade.php file with @extends('adminlte::page', ['iFrameEnabled' => true]).

Recommended Way of Use

Normally, you will likely be extending the provided AdminLTE blade layout multiple times in order to create multiple views in your Laravel application, and this may lead to duplication of common sections and logic between those views. So, instead, it's recommended to create a new layout for your entire application and put all the common sections and logic there, for example:



{{-- Extend and customize the browser title --}}

    {{ config('adminlte.title') }}
    @hasSection('subtitle') | @yield('subtitle') @endif

{{-- Extend and customize the page content header --}}

        <h1 class="text-muted">

                <small class="text-dark">
                    <i class="fas fa-xs fa-angle-right text-muted"></i>

{{-- Rename section content to content_body --}}


{{-- Create a common footer --}}

    <div class="float-right">
        Version: {{ config('app.version', '1.0.0') }}

        <a href="{{ config('app.company_url', '#') }}">
            {{ config('app.company_name', 'My company') }}

{{-- Add common Javascript/Jquery code --}}


    $(document).ready(function() {
        // Add your common script logic here...


{{-- Add common CSS customizations --}}

<style type="text/css">

    {{-- You can add AdminLTE customizations here --}}
    .card-header {
        border-bottom: none;
    .card-title {
        font-weight: 600;



The previous defined layout is just an example, but you may use it as a reference to create your own application layout.

Then use your new defined layout for your views, for example:



{{-- Customize layout sections --}}

@section('subtitle', 'Welcome')
@section('content_header_title', 'Home')
@section('content_header_subtitle', 'Welcome')

{{-- Content body: main page content --}}

    <p>Welcome to this beautiful admin panel.</p>

{{-- Push extra CSS --}}

    {{-- Add here extra stylesheets --}}
    {{-- <link rel="stylesheet" href="/css/admin_custom.css"> --}}

{{-- Push extra scripts --}}

    <script> console.log("Hi, I'm using the Laravel-AdminLTE package!"); </script>

That will be rendered like next...

laravel-adminlte-v3 9 4-app-layout-example