If you don't care about the code but just want to use the RSS feed, you can find it here: https://iboodrss.jeroenpelgrims.com
This repo contains code to build an executable that can be run to generate an RSS feed for the daily iBOOD products on sale.
In addition a Dockerfile is provided that runs the script daily by using cron. The resulting RSS feed files are then served by nginx.
Run cargo build --release
Run docker build -t iboodrss .
You can find the prebuild image here.
At some point I should try to make the image smaller by using Alpine as a base image.
I tried before, but I had issues with the SSL certificates.
I eventually had the same issue in Debian, but I was able to fix it by installing ca-certificates
The solution is probably similar in Alpine. Check this to solve this in Alpine: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/67231714/how-to-add-trusted-root-ca-to-docker-alpine
Some other commands I used when trying to build on Alpine:
- sudo apt install musl musl-tools
- rustup target add x86_64-unknown-linux-musl
- cargo build --target=x86_64-unknown-linux-musl