In my github, you will find developed projects during my professional career. These projects are divided into research projects, practical work, course projects and small projects.
They are codes and files referring to developed research. The TTAirManager and Control-Equipment repositories are examples of research projects.
These are codes developed from the teachers' proposal based on the course content. The AlgoritmoEstruturaDados, MachineLearning, SistemasNebuloso and TeoriaDecisão repositories are examples of practical work.
They are documents and codes referring to projects developed throughout a curricular component of the university. The repositories LabPojeto2, TeleoperatedCrane, Sensors_lab4 are examples of course projects.
They are codes developed for a small solution, often developed to solve a specific problem for data annotation.
The themes of the projects are directly related to my academic trajectory. Thus, the contents are directly related to the following topics:
- Computer networks (2011 - 2014);
- Human computer interaction (Touching Air Research Group: 2012 - 2016);
- Systems engineering (bachelor degree: 2016 - 2022);
- Master Student (2023 - Present)
- Pattern recognition, machine learning, deep learning, digital image processing, wearable motion sensor signals (Smart Sense Laboratory: 2016 - Present)