Possible Account Takeover | Brute Force Ability
[Suggested description] An issue was discovered in Click Studios Passwordstate 8.9 (Build 8973). If the user of the system has assigned himself a PIN code for entering from a mobile device using the built-in generator (4 digits), a remote attacker has the opportunity to conduct a brute force attack on this PIN code.
[Vendor of Product] Click Studios (https://www.clickstudios.com.au/)
[Affected Product Code Base] Affected version: Passwordstate 8.9 (Build 8973). There are no fixed versions
[Attack Vectors] If the user of the system has assigned himself a PIN code for entering from a mobile device using the built-in generator (4 digits), a remote attacker has the opportunity to conduct a brute force attack on this PIN code.
[Reference] https://jet.su