We release a new Context-aware Spatial Question Answering Dataset (called CASQAD) containing +5000 questions specifically taking spatial context information into account, i.e. visual features of a surrounding target object, or the user's location and moving direction. The data was collected in a big-scale user study with Amazon's Mechanical Turk platform involving over 400 crowdworkers and annotated semi-automatically in the post-processing. Please refer to our paper for more details about the creation process and dataset statistics.
: The HTML file that was used as the MTurk form in the experiments
: Raw user input on MTurk without any meta informationSpatialQuestions.json
: Full dataset in JSON format (see below for more details)HanoverPOIs.ods
: List of all initial anker positions used for the StreetView Embedding in the MTurk survey
: License informationREADME.md
License: You can download the dataset (released with a MIT License), or read below to know more.
Format: The dataset is released in JSON format, where the key Question
contains the question, ContextInformation
contains the corresponding visual and spatial signals as phrase and/or just the key word, and PointOfView
contains the meta data extracted from the StreetView API. The dataset has the following JSON structure:
"QuestionId": "Unique question ID as integer",
"Question": "Question phrased by the crowdworker",
"StreetView": "Link to the StreetView image showing the focus when the question was phrased",
"ContextInformation": {
"VisualSignals": "The phrase that contains the visual signals, e.g. 'yellow building'",
"Size/Shape/Color/Salience": "Explicit mentions of visible features of the target object, e.g. 'tall tower'",
"SpatialSignals": "The phrase that contains the spatial signals, e.g. 'behind the fence'",
"Deixis/Direction/Position/Vicinity": "Explicit mentions of spatial hints to locate the target object in relation to the user, e.g. 'this building' or 'the building to my left'"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": "0..359",
"Long": "-180.0..180.0",
"Lat": "0.0..180.0"
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T11:37:14.000000455",
"Properties": "Possible KG properties that the questions targets, e.g. name/label, opening hours, popularity or abstract. Properties are derived from OpenStreetMap."
5 nitpicked examples
"QuestionId": 0,
"Question": "What is the name of that large building behind the fence?",
"StreetView": "https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=pano&viewpoint=52.375842,9.7404004&heading=355.0&pitch=-1.8020866768683987&fov=120",
"ContextInformation": {
"VisualSignals": "large building",
"Size": "large",
"Direction": "behind",
"SpatialSignals": "behind the fence"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": 355,
"Long": 9.7404004,
"Lat": 52.375842
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T11:37:14.000000455",
"Properties": "name"
"QuestionId": 1,
"Question": "Do you know what the plaque on that piece of art in the median says?",
"StreetView": "https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=pano&pano=ae5tuNJ_xl1TS4dneHSdgA&heading=210.1266758416503&pitch=-19.78025402272617&fov=120",
"ContextInformation": {
"VisualSignals": "on that piece of art",
"SpatialSignals": "in the median"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": 210.1266758,
"Long": 9.7347076,
"Lat": 52.3689436
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T12:15:05.000000630",
"Properties": "inscription"
"QuestionId": 2,
"Question": "Are there cafes on this street?",
"StreetView": "https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=pano&pano=5Kn-R_pqCVXEfbr6g78VYw&heading=56.257219084221944&pitch=0.3299029016246635&fov=120",
"ContextInformation": {
"SpatialSignals": "on this street"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": 56.25721908,
"Long": 9.738762,
"Lat": 52.3692021
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T15:10:49.000000988"
"QuestionId": 3,
"Question": "Are there more businesses or houses in this area?",
"StreetView": "https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=pano&pano=_K8GeBrB21c9wVXBAdJuKg&heading=2.362851134167954&pitch=-8.960466980952447&fov=120",
"ContextInformation": {
"SpatialSignals": "in this area"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": 2.362851134,
"Long": 9.7455448,
"Lat": 52.3723053
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T14:23:51.000000262"
"QuestionId": 4,
"Question": "Is the jeweler store on the right famous?",
"StreetView": "https://www.google.com/maps/@?api=1&map_action=pano&pano=xSFL8_WXPspXHmAcs1yI5g&heading=3.603047068367749&pitch=-4.744553947315012&fov=120",
"ContextInformation": {
"Direction": "right",
"SpatialSignals": "on the right"
"PointOfView": {
"Heading": 3.603047068,
"Long": 9.7417629,
"Lat": 52.3737913
"DateAndTime": "2019-06-27T17:44:33.000000075",
"Properties": "famous"
In case you find any issue with our dataset, please inform us on Issues Page. Contact [email protected] for anything regarding the dataset.
- First version released