Manual of echoes
(Extended Calculator of HOmogEnization Schemes) library available here.
The library echoes
allows to implement various mean-field homogenization schemes of random media involving different types of heterogeneities in the framework of elasticity, conductivity, viscoelasticity as well as nonlinear homogenization.
This book gathers tutorials presenting the main features of the library:
- elements of tensor calculus,
- Hill and Eshelby tensors and their derivatives with respect to reference medium moduli,
- concentration problems,
- RVEs and schemes in linear homogenization,
- extension to nonlinear homogenization,
- extension to linear time-dependent behaviors.
The core of echoes
has been developed in C++ and wrapped by a Python interface. Hence its use requires first the installation of a Python environment including pip
executable (for instance Anaconda).
Wheel packages can be downloaded for various versions of Python under Windows or Linux by choosing the appropriate file for your configuration under the link
Once in possession of the relevant .whl
file, the package can be installed in a console (Anaconda console or any console allowing to run pip
) by
pip install -U echoes-XYZ.whl
# replacing echoes-XYZ.whl by the correct path to the whl file
If you use echoes
, please cite it as
Barthélémy, Jean-François, 2022. Echoes: Extended Calculator of HOmogEnization Schemes.
or in bibtex
title = {Echoes: {{Extended Calculator}} of {{HOmogEnization Schemes}}},
shorttitle = {Echoes},
author = {Barthélémy, Jean-François},
date = {2022-11-22},
doi = {10.5281/ZENODO.14959866},
url = {},
organization = {Zenodo},
version = {v1.0.0},
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