Please use Websockets.Pcl, a much improved version.
WebSocket.Portable is a PCL Profile 259 C# implementation of the WebSocket protocol. This plugin uses .net 4.5 and is compatible with Windows 8, Windows Phone, Windows Phone Silverlight, Xamarin Android, Xamarin iOS, and Xamarin iOS (Classic). This is a fork from esskar.
- Upgraded PCL assembly targets
- Added sockets-for-pcl websocket implementation (was using native implementations before).
- Fixed some bugs
- Microsoft Bcl (NuGet)
- Microsoft.Bcl
- Microsoft.Bcl.Async
- Microsoft.Bcl.Build
- Microsoft.Net.Http
- Sockets For PCL (NuGet)
Important : These must be installed on all platforms. So if you have a XamarinApp.Common and a XamarinApp.Droid, both projects needs the above dependencies.
var client = new WebSocketClient();
// get notified when data has arrived
client.FrameReceived += frame => Console.WriteLine(frame);
// open a web socket connection to ws://
await client.OpenAsync("ws://");
// send some data
await client.SendAsync("WebSocket.Portable rocks!");
There is a XamarinApp.Droid example located in the /Examples/ folder.
- Remove abstraction which is no longer needed.
rdavisau : For sockets-for-pcl which makes this possible.
esskar : For starting the websocket abstraction.
Xamarin : For awesome cross platform development tools
Marcin Kulwikowski : For awesome bug finding.
Post onto the Github issue system or contact me via my blog