Releases: jiilaa/RuuviCore
RuuviCore 0.7.1
0.7.1 Replaces invalid release 0.7.0 which had library version mismatches.
Breaking change:
- Support for multiple influx databases
Unless the very default settings are used, the appsettings.json must be edited to contain at least a default influx settings block (but can now contain multiple settings blocks):
"InfluxSettings": { "Bridges": [ { "BridgeName": "default", "InfluxAddress": "http://localhost:8086", "InfluxDatabase": "ruuvidata", "InfluxMeasurementTable": "measurements", "Username": null, "Password": null } ]}, -
appsettings_sample.json contains an example
RuuviConfig was updated with a parameter -b for both add and edit command.
RuuviCore 0.6.1
- Upgrade to Orleans 3.6.5
- Improve logging especially if errors occur
- Improve handling of DBUS exceptions. Previous versions could crash the whole service if DBUS libraries threw an unexpected exception. Now all paths should be handled and service stays up and running even if DBUS occasionally returns errors.
This is expected to be the final release with this Orleans and .NET version, the next release will most likely not be backwards compatible and users might need to re-initialize the collected RuuviTags again with the Ruuvi-config application.
RuuviCore 0.6.0
- Upgrade to .NET 6.0
- Upgrade to Orleans 3.6.2
- Stream measurements to RuuviTag-actors
- Improve logging (remove excessive logging)
- Improve DBUS usage (Measurements from RuuviTags with poor signal strength should be received more frequently)
- Support for providing authentication credentials for InfluxDB connection
Initial public release of RuuviCore.
- Listening for RuuviTag bluetooth broadcasts
- Saving data to InfluxDB
- Pushing measurements to IoT Hub (experimental)
- Command-line tool for configuring data collection settings for each RuuviTag
- HTTP-gateway used with the official Ruuvi app
- Web-UI for basic configuring (some settings only available from the command-line, e.g. IoT Hub settings)